Chapter 12: Light thinking and training

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Disclaimer: I still don't own pokemon

Important Notice: There will be an Author's Note at the bottom with an important question please read the question and respond to it in the comments.


Liam's pov

Directly after Meeting with Steven

  After Steven had left it suddenly occurred to me that I'd left out a very important question. Who the heck was Drake Ward ?  While my knowledge of pokemon as a franchise wasn't all encompassing I don't ever remember hearing the name Drake Ward in the anime or seeing it in any of the few manga volumes I'd read. Which greatly concerned me as Lance's potential apprentice would probably be well known.

" Is Drake Ward like me?" I gave voice to the most worrying possibility under my breath after entering my room and closing the door. " Or is he just some sort of butterfly effect that is a result of my actions ? "

If he was like me then I needed to know what his goals were if only to ensure they didn't majorly interfere with the world or my own goals which while not exactly world altering we're important to me. Steven made it seem like Drake Ward would possibly compete in the Galar Cup so I needed to ensure I was ready in case I needed to battle him.

Grabbing Charcadet's pokeball and my bag containing potions I left my room and headed downstairs. Both of my parental units were there waiting for me looking proud.

" I'm guessing from Steven's pleased look as he left you said yes to participating in the Galar Cup." My Father said looking like he expected this result.

" I'm so proud of you, getting scouted by the champion to participate in the Galar Cup." My Mother said beaming with pride. " You clearly take after me, I was quite the trainer back in my day."

  " Yeah I guess I'll have to work hard so I can win." I said awkwardly unsure of how to react, in truth I'd never known how to react to others praising me. Pushing down my sense of guilt at pretending to be the real Liam, I smiled with practiced ease. " I'm glad you guys aren't mad I agreed without consulting you."

" We've always assumed you'd go and travel on your journey once you got your trainer's license at ten." My Father said before continuing. " It was always your dream."

  " We just didn't expect you to go to Galar first instead of traveling through Hoenn." My Mother said. " To get to compete in such a prestigious event is an opportunity you can't pass up, as only rookie trainers are allowed to participate."

" Yeah." I said before continuing. " Do you guys mind if Charcadet and I go out and train for a bit? "

" Go ahead." My Mother said. "Just be back by 6:30 for dinner, we're making your favorite to celebrate."

" Alright." I replied as I exited the house.

I walked towards a small clearing where I'd set up a few makeshift targets and a obstacle course to help train Charcadet. Arriving I released Charcadet from his pokeball.

" Charcadet." Charcadet proudly declared as it was released from the ball.

" Hey buddy wanna hear some exciting news? " I asked assuming he'd be fine with the news but still wanting to share it with him.

" Char Charcadet char." Charcadet responded while looking at me attentively. I took this to mean he'd love to here the news.

" In four years we're going to participate in a massive tournament." I said before continuing. " Some of the most promising young trainers will be participating in this tournament and it's important that we win."

" Charcadet Char Char Charcadet Char." Charcadet said proudly the flames on it burning just a bit brighter than normal.

" For tonight let's just work on Flame Charge see if we can't increase the power your putting into it." I said knowing our current damage output was a little underwhelming.

" Char." Charcadet said spinning towards the target and cloaking himself flames Charcadet rushed one of the wooden targets. He crashed into it and it burst into flames but the target was still intact.

" Alright let's try that again but increase the temperature of your flames." I said, I was hoping that would increase the move's damage. If it weren't for the anime I would think this was a hopeless endeavor but I vaguely remember an episode involving quick attack where Ash's Froakie wasn't as fast as another pokemon's quick attack.

  Charcadet nodded and wrapped itself in flames once more and rushed a different target. This time the target visibly took more damage but wasn't destroyed. Charcadet walked back over to me and looked up waiting for my feedback.

" Good job that did more damage than the first one." I said feeling proud it was a step in the right direction. " There's one more target left, I know I usually have you hold back for safety sake but this time I want you to hold nothing back, make the flames as hot as possible."

" Char." Charcadet said as he turned towards the last target.

This time when he cloaked himself in flames I could feel the heat from where I was standing. The speed of the charge was a tad slower than previously but I could tell the damage would be greater.

" Charrr Cadet." Charcadet screamed as it slammed into the target which shattered under the impact, the fragments bursting into flames. Charcadet slowly walked back over to me looking slightly hurt which led me to realize that Charcadet had just used Flare Blitz for the first time.

  Rushing over to Charcadet I pulled out a potion and began applying it to Charcadet.

" Great job Charcadet." I said grabbing a berry and feeding it to him. " You just used Flare Blitz a powerful move."

" Char Char." Charcadet said and even though I didn't understand pokemon speech I got the feeling he was saying something along the lines of the Galar Cup won't know what hit it.

" Yeah we're gonna win the whole thing partner." I said as we walked back home side by side.

Author's Note: Please read
So this was going to be a training montage but an important detail I had only sorta considered came up so I decided to kick it back to the next chapter instead. While I'm aware that in the games and the anime pokemon are generally only able to learn four moves, I personally think that it seems ridiculous but I didn't want to flat out ignore the fact without first checking with you the readers since training something with only four potential moves will look very different from training something with more than four moves. What I'm trying to ask is:
If I ignore the four-moves rule will that ruin any of the immersion or take away from the story for you guys?
Please respond with an answer in the comments.

Thank you and Previews:
As always thank you to everyone who has read this, it is tremendously motivating to know people are reading what I'm writing. As always please comment and let me know what you think.
P.s Does anyone know if Dragalge can fly?

Next time- Training possibly in the form of a montage.

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