Chapter 10: Geopolitical planning

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Steven Stone's pov
Day after gala
Devon Corporation conference room

  " So now that we're done talking about successfully striking a deal with Tesoro industries  to work on developing Rotom technology, does anyone else have anything they would like to bring to the floor." Asked my father.
" I've got something." I said addressing the room which contained nearly everyone of significance in Hoenn including but not limited to all of the Gym Leaders, Elite Four members, and every department head of Devon Corporation. " I think we should sponsor Liam Saterr to enter the Galar Cup in four years."
" Why my son?" Walter Saterr asked seemingly confused as to why I was bringing up Liam. Everyone else in the room looked confused for different reasons since they had no idea who Liam was. Except for my father who looked like he was waiting for an explanation.
  " Other regions have rising talent that's become known. Lance from Johto has all but declared a kid named Drake Ward as his apprentice. Galar has Leon who is posed to become the champion when Mustard retires, and in four years will debut Leon's brother and Piers sister who by all accounts will be strong trainers. Professor Oak's grandson Gary will likely be Kanto's rising star. Even Kalos has Professor Sycamore's son Alain, who by all accounts is quite strong." I began to explain hoping everyone would see where I was going with this but if they didn't I would spell it out. " only Sinnoh and us seemingly don't have any rising stars. Of course there is potentially your daughter Norman, but from what I understand he's not one for battling."
" You're correct Steven, May while talented doesn't want to battle instead she wants to pursue contests." Norman said looking mildly sad.
" What makes you think he'll be able to reach the projected levels of the others you listed ?"  Wallace was the one to ask which was mildly surprising.
" Yes I'm curious to know, what about my son has gotten your attention." Walter said even though a look of understanding had begun to settle on his features.
" He's smart and displays traits valuable for a trainer."  I said as my father looked like he suddenly realized something.
" Was this displayed when you were Talking about agility training last night." Dad said with a particular emphasis on the word talking.
" As a matter of fact it was." I replied hoping I could avoid a lecture after this. In hindsight I probably could've waited a week or two before introducing this plan but I was bored and this promised to be entertaining. " Liam thought up a strategy to get through the spinning doors exercise. I tested his idea with Beldum and it proved exceptionally viable."
" I see." Wallace said. " Then I have no objections if no one else does."
" Will he agree to do it?" Norman asked. " The Galar cup is very publicized and difficult to complete. If he's unwilling we shouldn't force him."
  "He'll probably agree to do it especially if Steven asks as he's such a fan." Walter said . " Plus he loves battling, he would talk constantly about battling against some girl while we were in Paldea. Who I now know is the younger daughter of Tesoro Industries' CEO. If Liam is as good as you think he is and she's as good as he mentioned her to be, then you can probably add her to the list of other regions rising stars."
  That got everyone's attention including mine. Geeta wasn't very strong for a champion in fact I doubt she would be able to beat some of the stronger gym leaders from other regions but if even Paldea which many considered the weakest region with a league presence might be producing a rising star, we definitely needed one for Hoenn.
" In light of this information I think we should move forward with Steven's proposal." Sidney from the Elite Four spoke up.
" I agree, we don't want to be left behind by the other regions when it comes to producing talented trainers." Said Drake.
" So we are all in agreement with my son's proposal of utilizing Liam in the Galar cup. Very well but from what Walter tells me he doesn't yet have a native Hoenn pokemon if he's going to compete for our region in a highly publicized tournament then he'll need one associated with it." Said my dad while looking at me.
" I'm sure something can be arranged," I said with a smile. " but we'll need to file and approve a temporary team expansion request until he gets his official license."
  " Ok minor details that Steven seems to have a plan for aside, if he's to serve as our ringer then he'll need some practical battle knowledge. There's a big difference between a talented inexperienced trainer and gym leaders." Norman pointed out.
"Let's see if he agrees to do it first before we start drawing up training plans." I interjected not wanting us to waste time in case Liam said no. " If you don't mind Walter I'd like to stop by your house and pitch the idea to him."
" Of course I have no issues with that." Walter said seemingly in shock. Understandable it's not every day one of the strongest trainers in the world proposes using your son as political and economical pawn.
"Ok. So pending young Liam's answer we'll recombine and further refine this plan." Dad said before continuing. "In the mean time is there anything else we need to handle?"
No one said anything. I could tell everyone was deep in thought.
" Very well then I guess this meeting is over." My father declared. " Davis, Walter, Steven I'll need to speak with each of you further though."
  Everyone except Walter, Davis, my father and I left the room.
" Steven, are you sure he'll be able to do well in the tournament?" Dad addressed me first. " If you do then we'll put what we can into this."
" I think with enough training he could make the finals." I said hoping I was right. This was after all a risk.
My father looked pensive. After a couple of seconds he looked over at Davis.
  " Davis, assuming young Liam agrees we'll need some equipment made to help him train, start setting aside some people to work on it. Walter or Steven will put in the requisition forms for what's needed as it comes up." Dad said authoritatively. " Walter let Steven be the one to tell Liam I don't want him to feel pressured. Also I suppose you're going to want to focus on making some helpful toys for your son if he accepts, go ahead but don't let it interfere with other projects."
"Of course sir." Both department heads said.
" Steven since it's become very obvious you've seen his pokemon in action or you wouldn't suggest this, how long did it take him to get through the doors the other night." Dad said looking at me. Walter and Davis also turned to look at me. Guess I was busted.
" And suddenly you two talking makes a lot more sense." Walter said looking exasperated. " I was wondering how you two met and couldn't figure it out. I should've known he'd sneak off during the party."
" If it makes you feel better ditching parties to go and train isn't a trait that goes away with age."  My dad told Walter.
  " It took about five minutes. Three minutes observing the doors, one explaining how he wanted Charcadet to do it and one of Charcadet enacting Liam's plan." I explained knowing that there was no point in denying I'd snuck off.
" Not bad." My dad said. " Now I believe you have a six year old to talk too."

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