Chapter 05: Light world building

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Liam Saterr 's pov

Two days had passed since I was reborn into this world and had acquired my first pokemon Charcadet. While most of them were spent on normal vacation stuff like swimming and doing activities as a family(such as playing board games, visiting tourist sites, etc). What ever time I could get alone was spent researching this world and my new life {turns out the debt card looking thing was a debit card with my allowance loaded on it}. I mean yeah I had played some of the games and watched a little of the anime but that only showed a fraction of how this world operated. An example of this was when I discovered most prominent trainers seemed to have book deals of some sort. I discovered this while browsing a book store, where I came across a book titled ~Bringing Out Your Inner Fire~ written by Flint from Sinnoh's elite four. Upon skimming the book I realized it detailed various ways to train fire type pokemon. Needless to say that looking through the rest of the store yielded some interesting fines and convinced my parents that I was a book worm.

{In my defense what was I supposed to do not buy the following: A book on mythology by Cynthia, a battle tactics book by Volkner,  a book on stones by Steven Stone, another book by Steven on training durability, a how to train your dragon book by Lance, plus Flint's book}

I left said bookstore with very little money but the books were just too awesome to pass up on. Personally I was surprised to realize that nearly every gym leader/elite four member/champion was treated as a celebrity/politician/star-athlete hybrid. I thought only Galar really did that but it turns out every region seems to do that. Admittedly Galar treats their gym leaders less like politicians and more like star athletes whereas other regions the gym leader was near equivalent to the mayor of the town but tended to be less of a star-athlete. {Speaking of Galar, I noticed Leon wasn't yet the champion, apparently Mustard was. Further more I couldn't find any record of Alain, Gladion or Tobias or even Ash. Alola didn't yet have a champion as far as the world was concerned. This information was greatly troubling as it meant I had no idea where this world was timeline wise or if this was simply a world without Ash.}

!!!! Knock knock knock!!!!
The loud knocks startled me and caused me to turn towards the door where my new mother was looking at me with mild disapproval.
" Liam Saterr what are you doing sitting inside reading a book that if I'm not mistaken you've already read when the weather is perfect outside." She began, "Seriously go outside for at least an hour the books will still be here and you'll have plenty of time to read them when we get home."
"Ok." I complied by setting down my book. I figured it wasn't worth arguing with her about something this small. Plus I'd made it my goal to keep interactions with both of my new parental units short at least until I grew up enough to explain any difference in personality between me and the person whose place I took. That said I was also determined to be a model son for them{not all motivated by a sense of guilt}. So I grabbed my belt and released Charcadet from his ball as I headed towards the exit.
"Come on buddy, let's go for a walk," I said to Charcadet. Then turning back I gave my parental units a friendly notice that I was heading out for an hour long walk while I grabbed my messenger bag that had been restocked with more potions.

Walking out the door I was immediately assaulted by the heat and already wanted to go back inside but as I had already promised to stay out of their hair for an hour I would just have to bear it. Figuring the beach would be cooler so I decided to head towards it. Thankfully along the way a pleasant feeling breeze started and made the trip more tolerable. I do have to admit there is a strange amount of beauty to this world's nature that seemed absent from mine. As I reached the beach I walked up towards a nice secluded spot with enough trees to have a good amount of shade that I'd found the other day when I'd been out with my parental units.

The first thing I noticed when I arrived at what I was declaring as my spot was that someone else was there, the second thing I noticed was that someone was a girl about my age, the third thing I noticed was that she was crying.
Author's Note:
Alright there's chapter 5, I know the chapters are kinda short but they will be getting longer once we make it to the canon timeline.

Again while i have ideas for Liam's final team only three of the six slots are locked in. The three that are locked in are Charcadet, Sobble, and Beldum. so if anyone would like to make a case for a particular pokemon to be part of the team I am more than open to hearing it.

Next time: We further complete my rip off of Gen 9s opening. LOL. I totally didn't even realize I kinda did that until my friend pointed it out to me over a text.

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