Chapter 15: Princess and Knight P2

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Disclaimer: I still don't own pokemon . If I did I'd make someone tell me if Dragalge and Kyogre can fly.


Liam pov

  " I know you're probably either dead or trapped in my world but I want you to know that I'll make sure to make the most of this chance you've given me." I muttered to myself knowing there's no way the real Liam could hear me but wanting to put the sentiment out there anyway. His fate had been on my mind a lot recently and while I liked to think he was living in my life since I didn't remember dying, I ultimately had no way to check.

!!! Crack!!!

Whirling around towards the source of noise that snapped me out of my thoughts I was shocked to see May at the very edge of the clearing walking away.

"May." I called out as Charcadet and I jogged over with Beldum floating a small way behind us. May froze at the sound of her name being called which let me catch up. " What are you doing out here?"

" I heard you sneaking out and followed you." May responded with none of her usual distaste for me in her voice.

Which meant she probably heard some of what I said. I was getting pity tolerance. Great.

" Hey you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but who were you talking about in the clearing?" May asked sounding almost timid.

" How much of that did you hear?" I asked hoping she didn't hear the part about possibly being trapped in my world.

" I heard you say I don't know if you can see or hear me but if you can I want you to know I wish things were different." May answered looking at me. Lovely, good thing she gave me an out.

" If it's all the same to you I'd rather not talk about it." I said, thankful she didn't hear anything about other worlds and I could just let her form the logical conclusion that someone I knew was dead which really wasn't too far from the truth.

" Ok." May responded as her house came into view. " So why'd you battle the Kangaskhan?"

" Well it kinda just attacked me outta nowhere. Maybe I wandered into it's territory." I answered before recalling an important detail as we reached the door. " Hey May if you follow me again stay a little closer."

" What why?" May stammered out looking embarrassed for some reason.

" Well the Kangaskhan attacked me in the middle of the clearing so if I'd been a little faster it probably wouldn't have crossed my path when it did and attacked you instead. " I explained before continuing. " Since you don't have a pokemon to defend yourself you likely would've been seriously hurt had you been the one attacked instead of me."

Opening the door I let her go inside first before recalling Charcadet and going inside.

" Oh." May said looking at me strangely.

" Come to think of it why don't you have a pokemon? " I asked as we walked up the stairs. " You're clearly smart enough to pass the exam for the provisional license."

" If it's all the same to you I'd rather not talk about it." May replied echoing me from earlier. 

" Alright. Goodnight May. " I whispered to her as I started heading towards the guest room.

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