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I didn't see Jay at school the next day.

I didn't see him at all the next day.

At first, Simone and I thought he'd left for school without us, since we'd woken up late but, quickly realised we were wrong when Michelle said she hadn't seen him either.

Simone left us(as usual) and went off to hang with Beatrice and Luna. Michelle and I tried calling Jay several times on our phones but he didn't answer. We contemplated leaving school during break to check up on him at his apartment but, decided it wasn't worth the risk since the school day was almost over anyway.

"Maybe he's mourning Tristan?" I suggested and Michelle gave me a look. "Did you tell him?"

I paused for a second then, shook my head deciding to tell her the truth.

"I tried but...I just couldn't. When we see him today, I promise I won't hesitate to tell him. You can even watch me to make sure I do it, okay?"

Michelle rolled her eyes and shrugged, picking up her pink backpack to leave. I heard an annoyed sigh escape her lips as she wandered off. My heart sank. I could tell I was losing her trust and, was determined to get it back.

After school, Michelle and I were about to go back to Margaret Apartments when  Simone ran up to us. Her bag only zipped up halfway as she dodged twelfth graders to get to us. Her shoe lace was untied and, her curly hair was in a frizzy mess.

"Hi you two." She panted, bending down to hold her knees. She took another shaky breath before bending further down to tie her undone lace. I helped her zip up her bag while she was at it. Michelle watched with a frustrated expression, obviously eager to speak to Jay. "What do you want?" The blonde asked a bit rudely, placing her hands on her hips.

Simone frowned noticing her tone, finished with her shoelaces and stood up, stretching a little. I returned to my position beside Michelle. "Erm, I just wanted to say I'm riding home with you guys today since Luna and Beatrice basically ditched me." My cousin gave a sheepish grin and adjusted her glasses.

Michelle shrugged and picked up her bike. "Sure."

We rode in silence to the apartments, an unsettling tension in the air that contrasted to the breezy and liberating wind. When we got to the apartments, we abandoned our bikes on the sidewalk and ran inside, not prepared at all for what was awaiting us.

First, we went to Jay's apartment and knocked on the door. It was already open so, Simone pushed her way inside and we cautiously followed after her. Jay's room door was ajar too but, he wasn't in there. The breeze flew through his window, bringing some dead leaves along with it so, Michelle cleared the mess and shut the open glass.

His mother was missing too, and the stove in the kitchen was on, a kettle of boiling water charred. Michelle rushed to turn that off too.

At this point, I was already getting a strange bad feeling in my chest and, Michelle looked uncomfortable as well. Her eyes seemed distant and I noticed her breathing was laboured. It was as if, she was already assuming the worst. Our eyes met momentarily but, I quickly averted my gaze. I didn't want to know what she was thinking. I didn't want to face that yet.

Simone, however hadn't given up hope. Her expression was hard to read but, I could still feel the worry radiating off her.

"He may be upstairs with his mom and mine." She mused, looking at the ceiling in thought. She turned back to us. "Let's go and find out."

Michelle followed her out the door, leaving me behind. For a minute, my legs refused to move. The pessimistic thoughts weighing them down until an unknown force of hope pushed them forward, forcing me to follow the two girls upstairs.

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