so it begins✴

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Ha-ha read the pic^ *I'm dying its so funny*

Draco's POV
When I received my Hogwarts letter I was thrilled but I was scared that if some students found out who cassidey's biological parents are they may try to harm or kill her. I don't know what I'd do if someone hurt my little girl. But after a lot of thinking I decided to return so I sent my reply and sent a house elf to buy my books because my Cass wasn't filling well so stayed with her she is only 8months old.

*******time skip plat form 9 3\4

I'm walking on the plat form and everyone is starring at me or potter who surprisingly has a little boy, I decide to go over and talk to him. I knew he probably hated me but I had to try to clean up that mess before I made a new one. " Hey potter, I just wanted to say sorry for all those years of well putting you ,Granger, and Wesley through hell so and I wanted you to know that I've changed mostly for Cass here but I was hoping maybe we could be friends?."I said. "Sure, but if you don't mind me asking who's child is that?" He asked. "Don't tell anyone and I promise I'll raise her different but her parents are voldemort and Bellatrix." I pleaded for him not to tell anyone. "OK so your her godfather like I'm Teddy's." He said gestering to the small boy in his arms. "Ya her name is Cassidey Serina Malfoy I'm not going to tell her I'm not her dad unless absolutely necessary."I said smiling at my sleeping daughter. Suddenly I was pulled out of my conversation by Granger." Malfoy professer McGonagall needs us in the her office now."she said. "OK." I said and I walked away with her. " Granger I'm sorry about all of those years I called you that horrible name,also for what my aunt did I wanted to stop her please believe I've changed for the better."I said as we walked down the the hall of the train. "I forgive you and I think so does Harry, so maybe we can all be friends. but one thing I really want to know is can I hold her?" She said smiling looking from me to Cassidey. "Ya sure." I said as we walked into the heads compartment. I handed her Cass as we walked in. "Ahh I'm glad you two are getting along because both of you are the head perfects. Also you will be sharing a common room,your responseabiltys are you must pair up house prefects for nightly patrol, organise dances and balls, help with certain classes and chaperone 1-4th year hogsmead trips. Is that understood?" She told us all this and I had to ask." Professer what about my daughter? " "yes well if its OK with the both of you she can either have a house elf watch over her while you are in class or you can alternate free periods with miss Granger ,or take her to class." She said looking between the three of us and I realized we looked like a family, but I shook that thought out of my head sure Hermione is the most beautiful, talented witch of our age but she's with weaselbee." Professer I'd love to take her to Class but some days I have adv.potions and DADA and that's no place for a baby."I said. "I'll take her if that's OK with you Malfoy. I saw your schedule and I have adv. Potions and DADA on Tuesday,Thursday and Friday you have it on Monday and Wednesday,but we both have it on Thursday but Harry has free period on Thursday during those times so if it's OK with both of you he could take," Granger stopped and was looking at me and I realised that I didn't tell her Cassidey's name."Cassidey. "I whispered just so she could hear." "Harry could take Cassidey on Thursday I sure he wouldn't mind him and Ginny have teddy anyway so." She continued. "Well I'm glad you have all of this sorted I'll leave you to figure out the pairings but meet me after the feast so I can show you the common room oh and classes won't start till next week so if you have everything done you may go to hogsmead this week." Said professor McGonagall. "Thank you professor." We both said together.

H pov
I walked out of the compartment with Draco and Cassidey. I reluctantly give her back to him and walked to where Ron,ginny, and Harry were sitting "Draco would you like to sit with us?"I asked. " ya sure I'd love to."he said as we walked into the compartment. "What the bloody hell is that bloody death eater doing here!!!" Ron yelled." Shh Ronald billius weasly can you not see that both Teddy and Cassidey are trying to sleep!"I said as I condured two basinets for the sleeping children. "Now Ron Draco," I started. "Draco your on a first name basis with that git, he's the enemy Hermione, a bloody death eater." Ron was yelling so I put the silencelo charm on him. "Now Ron Draco is here because both me and Harry believe he's changed. And he is the head boy so me and him have to talk so if you agree to be civil I will take the charm off if not I'll leave it on till quidditch." I said Ron nodded but still gave me,Harry, and Draco accusing glares. "Ronald if you say another unkind word to Draco I'll hex your manhood off."I said as I glared. "OK ,OK I understand." He said sounding real scared.

OK done next chapter coming soon


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