The new law✴ PG13

226 14 7

H pov

I was awoken from my sleep by the sound of a fist hitting a wall and the yells of the man I love i got up and walked to his room. "Agggghhh this isn't fair why us I hate this what if she's paired with wesal!!" He yelled as he punched the wall his fists were bloody. "Drake what are you talking about?" I asked. He handed me a letter from McGonagall it read

I regret to inform you that all 6,7,8 th year girls will be paired with a man of the three years who she must Marry and bare a heir before this time next year as decreed by the wizarding council. This saramone will be held today at 12

"Draco, baby have you forgotten the sorting hat takes our choices into account to." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Mia its 11:45 we should head down now I already owled Harry he'll bring Cass down with him I think he had the same reaction as me." He said as he kissed me softly. About five minutes later I had healed his hands and gotten dressed and we were walking into the great Hall.
(An. So I'm gonna write this in like play form if you've read my other book "the doctors daughter returns" its like that. P.m=professor McGonagall, and s.h= sorting hat.)

P.m- welcome everyone this is the pairing seramony if anyone here is already engaged,married, or promised please come now.
(Only Harry and Ginny went forward they showed their rings and went back to there seats were Teddy and Cassidey were sitting as well.)
P.m- well if no one else is lets start this. HERMIONE GRANGER
(I walked slowly up the stairs and as I passed McGonagall she whispered sorry as I sat down I felt the hat sit on my head and all I could think about was Draco and Cassidey.
S.h- well lets see this one boy is the only thing on your mind and this little girl who you both parent together so I guess ital have to be DRACO MALFOY!

(An OK that's all the only other couples you need to know are Ron&lavander yes I know she died but I needed her for this so,and blaize & Pansy, also Harry and Ginny duh OK back to dramione.)

I was so happy I ran into Drake's arms and he picked me up and twirled me around. "Mia I don't want to waste a second all your friends are here let's get married now." He whispered in my ear. "Accio ring." He said and a old ring appeared in his hand.
"Hermione Jean Granger, I have loved you since 5th year,and now we have one more tie to bind us together, I love you will you marry me right now?" He asked as he got down on one knee. Oh I love him so much,"yes yes a million times yes!!"I screamed. "Go get you a maid of honour and some one to walk you down the aisle, I'll get a best man and ask McGonagall to affiliate." He said kissing me and walking away. "Harry ,Ginny I need y'all now!!" I yelled both came running up to me. "Harry I need you to walk me down the aisle and Ginny I need you to be my maid of honour the wedding is in an hour so what do you say?" I asked. "Of course but you need a dress something borrowed,old,new,and blue, and mom will want to be here." Said Ginny as Harry just nodded. "Harry will you owl them and tell them to floo here and then ask McGonagall to let them in ,wait do that but vice versa got to go!" I yelled as Ginny draged me to my common room and when we got there she made a beautiful new dress, gave me a necklace to borrow that had a Sapphire diamond and we said the ring Draco gave me was old. About an hour later Harry came into my room and told me every one was waiting, Gin went out to meet blaize. "You look amazing Hermione, and a little scared what's wrong?"Harry asked. "Oh Harry everything is perfect ,but my mum and dad aren't here,I always knew I'd ask you to walk me down the aisle but I need my parents blessing!"I said but Harry just laughed. "Mione he apperated and brought them here about 30 minutes ago."he said suddenly the bridal march could be heard from the great hall,and me and Harry started our march. As soon as I saw Draco I practaly ran to the alter.

(Wedding )
P.m.- we are gathered here today to unite Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger in marriage. Draco will say his vows first.
D.m- Hermione I have loved you since 5th year. I will love you forever. I,Draco, take you to be my wife till death do us part.
H- I ,Hermione, take you ,Draco, to be my husband till death do us part. Over these past few days I have come to love you like I've known you forever,and I will love you forever.
P.m. -I now pronounce you husband and wife.......
Ron- "I OBJECT,Hermione you love me you don't have to hide it i know he is forcing you into this, just kiss me if its a love potion it will wear off if you kiss your true love!" He said pulling his wand both me and Draco did the same. SECTRUMSEMPRA! he yelled right as Cassidey waddled to Draco so it hit her. My baby my poor baby lay lifeless on the floor blood seeping out of her once pretty white and gold dress as madam Pomfrey tried to heal her. "You,"I said turning to face Ron who was smiling, "if she dies you better pray the ministry gets you before me,or you will wish it was you laying there." I whispered in his ear as I turned to my baby. "Madam Pomfrey is she going to live?" I asked not wanting to hear no. "Mrs.Malfoy I really don't know she is so young only 11 months and she has lost so so much blood by such a strong curse, and only proffeser Snape knew the counter curse and I can't find the portrait of him." she said. "MADAM IT'S VULUERA SANENTUR THAT'S THE COUNTER CURSE!"yelled Draco as he ran into the great hall........

Cliff hanger
To Be Continued. ....
An. Oh my dear readers I am so sorry. Jk I'm not.

Ron-hey why did you make me evil?
Me- well I couldn't make Harry or Hermione evil so that just left you.....
Ron- but...........
Harry&Hermione -ha she loves us more!!
Draco- And I'm not evil now , I'm so cool now.
Me-ok then Draco will you do the honors
Draco- ok cool. So peps, vote, comment, share, add to ya'lls library. Also her question for you is what's ya'lls favorite food and or meal? Sessh her american'ish nes is starting to rub off on me.


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