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Hermione and her father sat patiently by Draco's bedside. It had been two days and Draco hadn't moved an inch. Astoria had tried storming the hospital wing twice after she had found out what happened. She was furious, when Cassidy was taken from her and placed in hermione's custody. She was also forced to move out of the head rooms. Hermione and Astoria were both 6 months pregnant.

Draco pov

I'm sitting in the manor my very pregnant wife, Astoria,  is sitting in front of me and my parents are sitting in the chairs beside me. No i am in the griffindor common room, with my wife Hermione sitting in front of me in the floor laying her head on my knee, and it's Harry and Ron that are beside me. We were discussing forming a quitich team for children since there will be so many. I'm watching myself in two different realities and I know one is real the other isn't. But they are both so real.
I hear a voice in the distance it sounds so much like Severus but it can't be he died.
"Draco I know that by now you are almost ready to wake up but you have to remember what is real and what is fiction and I know it will hurt but you have to remember the pain as well." The voice said
I looked around. The scene in front of me was no longer warm and filled with love and friendship but was now dark and cold and painful. I looked down to see bellatrix leaning over Hermione as she carved mudblood into her arm, I felt sick, I wanted nothing more than to push my aunt away from hermione and to hold her in my arm and tell her everything was going to be fine. A cold draft filled the room and I was now in the dungeon of my home. I looked up and saw my father.
"How dare you love a filthy piece of mudblood trash like that and have a child with her! You have disgraced the name of Malfoy! CURCIO!"Father yelled. It all became clear I knew which of the lives was real. I knew who my wife was all because of the memories, Hermione couldn't be my wife because she wasn't pregnant in the memory. I needed to wake up I needed to get to Astoria. But something wasn't right. Astoria had married a hufflepuff named dean. We had talked almost four months before and she told me she was pregnant and that Dean has passed away.

Hermione fell to the ground. I ran to her side, and fell to my knees. I picked her up. "Move! Harry, Ginny get cas!"I yelled as I ran to the hospital wing with Mia in my arms.

The memory hits hard. It's so familiar.

"Well lets hope your baby is alright."she said. "Baby?"I whispered. "Yes Mr. Malfoy, are you deaf?..... Wait. She didn't tell you yet did she?"madam Pomfrey kept talking but I wasn't listening. I started walking, then running to our room.

Once again the memory is there. I knew there was nothing other than truth that could create this.
Hermione Granger was my wife. We shared custody of my goddaughter Cassidy Riddle. Hermione was pregnant with our first child. I need to get back to them.

Ok hi.... don't kill me I know it's been forever but here is an update. Guys we've been though a lot I've made new friends on this book and I just want to say thank you for all the memories and I want to know before we end this journey together how many of you have been reading since the first update in 2015-2016? Don't worry we still have plenty more chapters i just want to know.

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