the first night✴

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I walked into our common room every room had a small plack telling what was in the room. The first was my room,then three doors inside my room one said nursery, it also connected my and Draco's room, then the bathroom also connecting both rooms then my closest. I then walked out and saw that The next door also lead to the bathroom, then Draco's room,a library with both muggle and magical books,a kitchen, and last but not least a pool room!. "Drake this is amazing, oh did you see Cass's room, and the pool!!"I yelled."I know mia it's awesome!"he replied walking into the living room. "But I really want a shower can you watch Cass for a few minutes?" He asked. "Ya sure Drake go on I'll take mine after you."I said. "Thanks Mia you are amazing."he yelled smiling as he walked into the bathroom. Soon I was left alone with Cass " Hey Cass its just you and me while daddy's in the shower, tomorrow we will go get bathing suits at diagon Ally, maybe even go to Honey dukes and get some more licorice wands."I said not knowing that Draco was listening. " ay-ay ma-ma"I heard Cass say I whipped my head around to see Cass clapping and smiling. "What did you say?" I asked the small child. "Ma-ma!"she said again more excitedly. On no no this isn't good! " DRACO!!!!!"I yelled. "Mia what's wrong, is it Cass!!" He yelled running out of the bathroom with nothing but a towle. "I think Cass just said her first word!" I said kinda scared. "That's great what was it." He asked excited. "Itwasma-ma." I said really quickly. "I didn't catch that can you say it again?" He asked. "She said ma-ma, Drake I'm so so sorry." I said on the verge of tears. "Why are you sorry it's great!" He said hugging me. "But I'm not her mom Drake, I can't be, I'm with Ron, she should of said da-da."I said crying into Drake's chest." Ma-ma sad , Da-da."we both turned around to Cass who looked sad.we both went over to her and hugged her. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!"we both turned around to see a mad looking Harry. " its not what it looks like come in sit we will explain. "I said then I told him the whole story." OK I'm sorry I overreacted, but what if she calls you mama infront of Ron or worse a Slytherin?" Harry asked me. "I don't know we will just have to make some excuse." Said Draco as he came out of his room with clothes on. "But Harry I was wondering how you got in here?" Asked Draco. "Well i came looking for you two wanting to know when you wanted me to take Cassidey on Thursdays,and I didn't know the password but Snape let me in anyway caues he heard crying, by the way I need the password if that's okay?" Harry asked. (By the way Snape is the portrait outside their room in case you didn't already guess)
"Ya that's fine its changed." Said Draco. "Not to be rude but Harry its late and I need a shower also Cass needs a bath and we need to get to bed." I said gestering to the three of us. "OK I'll see you tomorrow Hermione, night Cass ,draco." He said his good bye's but what surprised us the most was Cass." Night uncle 'arry."she said once again we all whipped our heads around to see a happy Cassidey then she whispered "hisewiss deadgriss." In pousile mouth. "Harry what did she say?" Me and Draco asked together. "She said I'm a fast learner." He told us laughing. "Resiss." He said to Cass he then turned to us "I told her yes." "OK well lets go to bed we will continue this later,I'll just take Cass and give her a bath and i will take mine in the morning." I said to Harry and Draco as took Cass to the bathroom.

"Sweet heart were did you learn pousile mouth?" I asked the young child hoping she'd understand. "Uncle 'arry" she said looking pleased. As I washed her hair I wondered if maybe she could read minds. "'nly if not blocked." Said Cassidey. After I finished her bath I took her to her room. "Dada, too." She said looking so innocent. "OK sweetheart." I said sweetly. "Drake come here Cassidey wants you." I yelled into his room. "I'm here Mia." He said walking into the room. "Sing." Said the precious child in the crib. So me and Draco started to sing.
Deep in the meadow-d
Under the willow-h
A bed of grass-d
A soft green pillow-h
This is were we love you-d&h
Soon Cassidey was asleep and I had fallen asleep in Draco's arms on the love seat in Cassidey's room.

Ohh so Cassidey can speak pousile mouth. And can read minds. And Draco and Hermione sleep together (not in that way);-)

Xoxo my lovelys ;-)

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