our trials have made us stronger

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Hermione pov
Draco woke up. We had decided that he would pretend to still be obliviated. It worked well enough but it hurt me. Draco continued holding Astoria like she was the only woman in the world, Cassidy had called me mama multiple times in front of Astoria which had sent her off the walls and landed me in the hospital wing. I was told to spend three nights here to monitor mine and the baby's health. I was on my second night and everyone had come to visit me except for Draco. Astoria had moved back into the head dorms while I had moved to my room next to father's. I hated everything, for 3 months it had been Harry, Ron or Father who had taken care of me not my own husband. While Draco took care of Astoria. I couldn't wait for her to have her baby so that we could give her the potion father gave Draco.
"Hello my child." Father said entering my corner.

"Hello FathAhhhhh" I cried out in pain.

"Darling are you okay?" He asked.

"Baby's coming, help me." I cried.

He rushed to get pomfery and I was left alone. Soon my room was filled with Harry, Father and madam pomfery.

"Where's Draco?" I asked. I had been laboring  for two hours and my husband wasn't here.

"I'll go get him." Harry said.

"No don't leave, please." I begged.

"Of course mione, ill send a patronus." He soothed.

Three more hours passed and Draco finally came in but was carrying a screaming Astoria.

"Madam, she's in labor." He said looking panicked.

"I'll be there shortly if you can't tell I'm already preoccupied." She replied shortly.

His eyes widened when he saw me and rushed over.

"Mia? Why didn't anyone tell me you were in labor?" He asks grabbing my hand.

"Draco we've been summoning you for 5 hours." Father says.

"How I've been looking for you all for 3 days I was wondering why Mia hasn't been meeting me in the ROR after curfew like I asked?" He said confused.

"I was never asked." I breathed out in between contractions.

"You really think I would let you see that mud blood?" Asked Astoria completely fine.

I finished pushing and gave birth to my son right as she pulled her wand.

"I'm not letting that halfblood live." She said pointing at my baby.

She screamed defendio at the same time father, Harry and Draco yelled immobilus. She was hit with all three stunners and fell to the ground.
She went into labor and died in child birth.

"What do you want to do about her baby?" Draco asked.

"I don't know, he looks like you." I mumbled.

"That's because the baby is his child," father said glaring.

I paled and looked at my husband.

"There is no way. I haven't seen Astoria since before the battle," he tried to explain.

"Astoria was given a potion to change the genetics of the child. Severus, you should have know that. Now stop frightening the poor children!" Pomfery commanded.

"Mia, I'm so sorry that I didn't realize she was intercepting our letters. Please forgive me," He begs.

"Of course my dragon, now what should we name our boys?" I ask.

"What about Michael Aries and Tobias Hadrian?" He suggested.

"I like them, where did you come up with them?" I asked.

"Well, Micheal is Blaise's middle name, Tobias for your father, and Hadrian sorta combines Harry, Ron and Hermione." He explains.

"I love it." I said.

"You know if you would have told me in second year that you would marry Draco,have children with him, be Snape's daughter, that I would be an uncle to Voldemort's daughter and be best friends with slytherin I would have sent you to st.mongues." Harry say carrying in a sleeping Cassidey.

"Trust me I would have wanted you to." I laughed.

"After everything we've been through: teachers trying to kill us, giant snakes in the bathrooms, werewolves and accused murderers, Voldemort's resurrection, the pink toad, all the lost ones, a war and being kidnapped, I think we deserve a vacation." Ron said walking in with Lavender.

"Well at least you weren't imperioed to make out with your best friends dad, yuck." Pansy said as she waddled in with Blaise.

"You children didn't die after embarrassingly pouring your heart out to your best friend's son just to come back to life." Father said smirking.

We all laughed at that. I looked around, my husband sitting on the bed, our boys and Cassidy, my best friends and new friends and my father all standing around. We were happy, after all the suffering and trials, we were happy.


Sooooooo almost two years I'm so sorry. I'm gonna add an epilogue next week then start going back and editing. I'm sorry please comment anything and vote. I'm so sorry.

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