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Really sorry about the late ass update

3rd pov

Harry knew something was off. They all did. The halls of Hogwarts were quiet. The only thing any of them could think of to describe the night was eerie and familiar . "Someone go tell the headmistress to send all students 4th year and under to the Hufflepuff common room and kitchen. I need any willing member of the DA here as soon as possible." Harry said. Pansy ran to do that, and Harry turned to blaize. "Ok how many Deatheaters do you know of that could have the slightest possibility of being part of this attack?"he asked. Blaize started spouting off names, and by the end they figured they would have the upper hand in numbers and even power if enough D.A members and students from the war showed up. Hermione also made the point that some of the order would be coming. But they decided that they needed to send a rescue party for the ones who were kidnapped.

Malfoy manor

Lucius stepped close to draco. "You have tarnished the noble name of Malfoy but no matter i can fix that. Curcio!" he yelled. Draco having already taken seven hits fell limp. Lucius raised his wand again.
"NO! Lucius please! That's your son please he can't take anymore!" Narcissa begged from across the room.
Lucius turned to her.
"And what do you suggest then?" he asked.
"Obliviate him, alter his memory, make it so he still hates the girl. I've heard that astoria is widowed and expecting a baby boy. Have her come here, she will do as you say she will be loyal."Narcissa bargained.
A psychotic smile danced onto Lucius's lips. He nodded once and turned to his son.
"Very well then. Obliviate. " he said as he took away Draco Memories of his family.

Back at Hogwarts!

Harry and the rest of the school stood together at the front of the school. Hermione and Pansy stood in a hidden passage casting protection spells. They watched as Blazie, Neville, and Harry mounted their brooms and flew off. Not even half and hour had passed before a group of about 20 deatheaters approached 3 were holding Ginny and One had Teddy.
"Go back to your houses, and let us enter or we will kill the girl and children!" one shouted.
Minerva turned to face her students.
"Go......." she started to say but was cut off by a gruff voice.
"Expeliamus! Bombarda maxims!" the voice yelled.
Suddenly Ginny had Teddy in her arms and was being shielded by the mysterious man.
All the deatheaters lay motionless on the ground in a few moments. The man turned around to reveal Severus Snape. He look almost exactly as he had before the attack.
Hermione rushed through the crowd. What many didn't know was that during her 4th year, proffeser Snape had found her crying in a abandoned hallway, for unknown reasons he had taken her to his office and gave her his cloak to keep her warm. Ever since then the had become friends but pretended to dislike each other in public to keep face. But now that Voldemort was gone and not many believed in the old prejudice she ran to him and hugged him.

Everyone went back to bed, Aurous took the death eaters to Azkaban and broke their wands, Ginny and teddy went to the infirmary and Hermione, Severus and Minerva went to her office. Hermione sat in a chair while Minerva and Severus talked in hushed tones.
Finally they turned to her.
"Hermione I have something I need to tell you."Snape said.
"You are my daughter. When you were born your mother died, and Voldemort wanted an heir so I gave you to a nurse and switched you with the Granger's Still born Baby. I told the dark lord you and your mother died. Your true name is Hermione Violet Snape. I came and saw you until you started to realize i was there. I am sorry, giving you up was the hardest thing I have ever done." Severus explained.
"Its alright father. I am just glad you are alive."she said hugging him.
"Phoenixes are amazing animals."was all he replied.
Suddenly the door busted open and in walked Blazie.
"Headmistress Draco,Lucius and Narcissa are no where to be found, Harry and The others took Ron to the hospital wing after Harry heard his wife was in there. Oh hi Proffeser Snape. PROFFESER SNAPE?!"he yelled
They explained to Blazie what had happened, then filled Severus up on the past few months. Hermione on the other hand had sat down. She felt a stabbing pain in her chest. Then she felt her baby kick.
"Shh baby momma's here and soon dadda will be too." she whispered.

An- hey so only 1 chapter published. But I will get this done. I will probably finish this book by next summer. I don't plan to write a sequel because my Drafts are full of story ideas and I don't want to wait to long with them. So..... Idk but if by the end of this ya'll want another book i may write a second book.

Hermione- so were is Dean and Cas? I thought they were helping me with this?
Me- idk.
Sam- they are on a wendigo hunt in Maine so we came to help.
Gabe- you get the trickster and the moose!
Hermione- well ok.
Sam- so the writer is letting us take over the next two chapters.
Gabe- since she is trying to tie up all lose ends.
Hermione- we are taking questions for: The Author, me,Harry,Draco,Ginny,Sam,Dean,Gabe and Castiel.
Sam- any questions are welcome.
Gabe- and she will answer anything;-)
Hermione- GABRIEL!
Gabe- What? She said to tell them.
Sam- no not really. She told us they could ask anything. Not for you to tell them to ask inappropriate questions.
Gabe- aww Sammy your no fun.
Hermione- Sam thank you.
Sam- your welcome Hermione. Next time I'll bring Charlie with me.
Gabe- but I thought you loved me?! *disappears*
Sam- Gabe? Gabe! Come on i was just kidding! Your my best friend! I.......
Hermione- Sam it will be ok. Ron did the same thing when he felt like Harry didn't want him around or trust him anymore. They didn't talk again till the second task was over.
Sam- so um any questions.
Hermione- just comment
Sam- with who its to.
Hermione - also vote and share.
Sam- till next time.
*Hermione hugs Sam and start searching for Gabriel*

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