escape from Azkaban

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+this chapter is all in the pov of Lucius. Its a little before and then after the last chapter enjoy.

Almost a year ago I was sentenced to the dementors kiss, but me being the genius I am smuggled polyjucie potion into my cell. And turned into the guard that came to get me. Then once I got home i kidnapped the annoying Weasley boy and became him. I had to watch my son marry that filthy mudblood Granger. I had to pretend to care about the annoying Brown girl. But it was all worth it, because now I had my disgrace of a son, The boy who lived pregnant wife and godchild, and The Dark Lord's Daughter. I had put all of the others in the basement along with my mudblood loving wife. I called the remaining death eaters to help me with the child. We were going to take over Hogwarts once and for all. With the Potter boy's wife and children at my disposal, he wouldn't dare come after me nor would the mististry. Everyone had gathered around me. Those in addendence were lady Parkinson, lady Zambini, and 20 other death eaters. Our ranks were small but we had leverage.

Me- so I know its short but I have tried my best to update but hell even my summer is full of stuff and homework for me to do. And I hate to tell you but my school starts in 2 short weeks. I will try my best to at least update 2 chapters anyway*wipes random character blood off hands* so...... All my characters are either indisposed or not able to talk right now so I guess Spn will have to do.
Dean- well finally!
Misha-wow so this is an actual place. I have got to tweet this!
Castiel - who is this? And why does he look like me?
Misha- oh wow. Are you and Dean a thing?!
Dean- wait how do you know?
Me- well good job ruining your new book.
Castiel- wait you were going to let us be together?
Gabe- she still is cassie.
Sam- I swear you guys just destroy the forth wall!
Gabe- hate to tell ya samoose but its been broken.
Sam- stop with the nicknames!
Gabe - ain't gonna happen samsquach.
Sam- gahhhh *grabes angel blade*
Harry- um hey author we have problem i........ Never mind. I will come back later.
Me- good idea, *pulls Sam and Gabriel apart* Harry. *sends Misha to his world* I will check on you later.
Me- hey Lovebirds! *Dean and Castiel stop kissing*
Dean and Cas- ya?
Dean- ok so
Cas- comment
Dean- vote
Cas and Dean- and she wants to kown how many of you are in America? And if anyone is in Tennessee?

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