Managing marriage

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Draco pov

We woke up the next morning and went and got Cassidy from the hospital wing. Once we were back to the common room we invited Harry and Ginny over. "I don't think that he is my brother." said Ginny as we were sitting talking about class. "Why not love?" asked harry. "Because Ron is deathly scared of two things, spiders and mum. And he wasn't even phased when he got that howler." she replied. So I started thinking, in all the time I've known weslebe he was never very violent, Hell Hermione probly punches harder than him. "Me and Harry saw a boy in a very expensive looking cloak, maybe its like barty crouch Jr. In 4th year?" said Mia. "Lets just wait it out, if it is someone else we don't want them knowing we know. And if they know we know they could kill Ron or someone close to us."I suggested. We all agreed but decided we should tell the Weasleys to watch out. A while later we received a letter from Mrs.weasly it read....

Dear children,
I believe you are correct. I have informed the rest of the family and we are ready if anything happens. Also Hermione and Draco congratulations on you marriage. Will write soon.

*****Love ,Molly****

Finally we were able to relax Harry,and I were playing with Cassidy while the girls really don't know where they went. "Harry where are the girls?"I asked. "I don't know?" he replied. "I'm sure they will be back soon."he added. So we just keep playing with Cassidy.

Meanwhile in Hermione pov

Me and Ginny had just went to see Madam Pomfrey to see if we were pregnant, in the wizarding world you can find out 24 hours after, we were sitting at a small table waiting for the results. "Well girls you are both pregnant, Mrs.potter you are one week along and Mrs.Malfoy you are only a day, congratulations!" She said. We decided we would tell the boys later.

Hello my loves, do you hate me? I am not sorry at all. Now you just have to wait a month. I just trolled ya'll didn't I...

Hermione - Hey.. Um the boys can't read this right?
Me- nope *snaps finger and locks boys out*
Ginny-you will find out soon enough!!!!
Hermione- wow this is weird. .......
Girls-its fine. Can you tell us if they are girls,boys,both?
Me- nope.
Hermione- fine......
Ginny- man!
Me-ginny will you do the honors?
Ginny- cool! Ok vote, comment,share,and all you ghost readers please comment.
Also the question is....if the world was ruled by fandoms what would you do? Which fandoms would you stay with.

Me-i would sit back and enjoy. Harry potter or\and doctor who.

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