hogsmead and the day after✴

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I woke up and I didn't know where I was then I looked around and saw Hermione laying on my shoulder. "Mia, miiiiaaa, wake up, come on we have to get Cass ready for hogsmead." I said softly into her ear. "Good morning Drake, oh my gosh Drake!" She said siting straight up in my arms. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing its just I never imagined that I would ever wake up to you, not that it's bad but this is the first time I've woken up in a guys arms not even ron has ever sleep next to me." I said. "Mia." He said his face showed no emotion but his eyes said something else something different, love? "Hey I'm gonna take my shower then we can take the patrol list to McGonagall, also if its OK I want to get Cassidey some muggle clothes."she said. " sure maybe we can take her to meet your parents, because I was hoping you would take her for Christmas."I told her. "OK sure I'll be ready in ten." Mia said. I went and got the list I also I planed to send a patronus to the headmistress telling her we were on our way but I realized my wand was I the bathroom. "Mia my wand is in there I have to come in!"I yelled at the bathroom door. " OK just don't look!"she yelled back."OK."I replied. So very quickly I ran into the bathroom grabed my wand but as I turned around I saw mia my face flushed and I ran out. Then I finally sent the patronus. Her back was covered in scars most likely from the war,and her left arm still showed the "mudbloods" scar written by my aunt with the cursed blade,it was like my darkmark it could never go away.but I pushed those thoughts from my mind as I grabed Cassidey from the couch and the list from the desk as I walked into the kitchen. I set Cass in a highchair and the list on the table. I fixed pancakes with bacon and eggs I fixed three plates and set them on the table just as mia walked in. After that we cleaned up and walked to the head tower.we walked up the stairs and meet professer McGonagall. "Good morning, and to what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked. "Me and Hermione would like to give you the patrol list and we were wondering if we can go visit her parents and then go to hogsmead?" I asked.she looked at us and smiled. "Of course but be back by ten sharp."she told us. "Thank you." We said as we walked out.

Patrol list
Ron(g) and Pansy(s) (will be explained later)
Ginny(g) and blaize (s)
Luna(r) and Ethan (h)
Mason (r) and Marry(h)
(In case you were curious)

Time skip 30min

I don't know why but I was scared to death about meeting Mia's parents, maybe because we were going to show them Cass or because I was sure she would have said something about me to the that was not good. All I knew was that I'd have to suck it up because we were already there. "Mum, dad, its me Hermione!" She yelled as we walked in, she walked further into the home and told me to stay hidden with Cass until she gave me a signal. "Moine' why are you home we weren't expecting you till Christmas?" Asked a women who I assumed was her mum, the women was holding a man's hand most likely Hermione's dad. "Mum, dad I have some people I'd like you to meet, but before you do you have to promise not to over react." She told them they both promised. "Draco,will you come here with Cass?" She asked. That was my signal, so I picked Cass up and carried her to were mia was sitting. "Mum ,dad this is Draco Malfoy, and our daughter Cassidey Serina Malfoy. I kinda adopted her when she started calling me mama. So dad don't kill Drake I'm still a virgin. I'm also still with Ron. So technically she's your granddaughter. Said mia she explained everything and finally she finished both her parents had different expressions. Her dad's face showed pride, love,and maybe fear for his daughter but when he looked at me all that was there was pure anger and hate,but her mum showed happiness towards the three of us. "can I hold her?" Asked her mum and Hermione handed Cass to her. "Wait is this Draco as in the Draco that made your life a living hell for six years?" Asked her dad with pure hate. "Yes sir but I've changed I will never hurt your daughter again I'd even make the unbreakable vow if you were a wizard sir,I'll make it with Harry given he's like her brother if you wish." I said meaning every word. "No need for that you proved yourself just by suggesting that." He said with a kind voice. I think I just lived and avoided wwIII. We soon left and headed to a muggle clothes shop for cassidy. "I like this one Drake!" Said Mia from across the aisle the shirt read daddy's little princess. I held up one also for mia to see it read mama's little Angel we bought both along with a few dresses, shirts, and shorts." Once we were done muggle shopping ,we decided to go to Honey dukes to get licorice wands for cassidey and some assorted chocolates and cookies for me and Mia, then we went to madam susey's magical swim suits. "Drake how about this one for Cassidey?" Asked Mia holding up a silver two piece swim suit with gold hearts. "I love it Mia, and how about these for you." I said as I held up one bikini that was green and another one that was red. "OK as long as the guys don't see me in the green one." She said as she laughed. Soon we picked out my swimming trunks and with much argument I paid for everything. I also took Mia and Cass out for dinner and by the time we were done it was eight o'clock. "Let's head back I think that Cass is sleepy, Drake." Said Mia. "Ok." I said as I walked with Mia back to the castal.

H pov

"HERMIONE WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH FERRET AND HOLDING HIS LITTLE MONSTER NONE THE LESS!?!" yelled Ron. "Ron don't you dare say anything else about Cass or Draco or so help me!!" I yelled at Ron. "Ma ma." Cried Cass from my arms, on no this won't be good. "DID THE LITTLE MONSTER JUST CALL YOU ,MA-MA?" Asked Ron. That received comments from Slytherins like oh mudblood and Draco gota kid ,ohh's and surprisingly even a few awww's. "YES SHE DID RONALD AND NO SHE'S NOT MINE I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON YOU AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD THINK THAT, BUT WHEN YOUR READY TO APOLOGIZE YOU KNOW WERE I AM!" I said as I turned around with Draco and Cass and headed to our common room. "Agggghhh , why does Ron have to be such an arse, he's such a jerk." I cried into Draco's chest he smelt of green apples and mint. "Shh Mia its OK your OK hey how about I take Cass to Harry and ask McGonagall if we can stay out till ten thirty its eight thirty now and we can go to the three broomsticks and get you some fire whisky how does that sound?" Draco asked me. I thought about it and tomorrow was Friday so that meant that I could not have a hangover even though there were no classes tomorrow but me and Draco still had patrol. "OK as long as I don't have a hangover in the morning." I told him as he picked up Cass and headed out the door.
Then I heard Draco come in saying "Hell hath no fury compared to a womans scorn." "So I'm guessing that McGonagall said no to the firewhisky?" I asked as he walked in. "Nope we can go I was talking about you." He said looking at me with worry on his face. "OK lets go." I said as we apperated to the three broomsticks. About five shots of firewhisky later and I'm as happy as ever I'm invincible, but I'm also drunk enough to ask Draco to stay the night in my room.

Next morning

I woke up in Draco's arms and I didn't care. Harry and Ginny brought Cassidey Back around two and and they stayed till dinner. Drake ate with us at our table and we decided Harry could watch Cass till we came back from patrols.

Well my lovelys hope you enjoy.
Now I know that no many people read my books but I would like to know where my readers are from. Also I'm going to start asking a monthly question because I want to get to know my readers so aside from the "where are you from.?"

Question. Of the month

Pt1. Who is your favorite Hp character.
Pt2.Who is the hottest Hp character?

My. Answers

Pt1 Hermione
Pt2. DRACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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