To find my love

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Draco woke up. He smiled as he gently kissed his sleeping wife on the forehead.

"good morning my dragon." she mumbled.

Draco stood there he looked a the woman and a flash of confusion appeared on his face for a spilt second then was gone. 

"good morning love, how did you sleep?" he asked.
"Well. We should go have breakfast before we return to Hogwarts. I'm so glad everything has calmed down." she said as she got up and got dressed.
"Ok. I will head down,I  love you." Draco said as he walked down stairs.
Draco walked into the kitchen to find his mother.
"Mum?" Draco asked.
"Yes dear?" Narcissa replied.
"Did you arrange for us to return to Hogwarts? Blaize wrote me yesterday and told me that Snape was alive. And that Teddy was very anxious to see Cassidy." He said as he picked up his goddaughter up from her highchair.
"Yes darling." his mother said.
Draco nodded and walked out of the kitchen into the main hall. He snaked his arms around his wife's  swollen waist. He mumbled into her ear , "is baby Malfoy behaving himself?" 
"Of course just four more months and Cassidey will have her baby brother and we will have our son." she replied .
"I love you to Drake." She said.
"And I you darling." Draco hummed.

Soon they were at Hogwarts. Everyone was happy to see them. A little while after they arrived Draco decided to go to the Quidditch pitch where harry found him.
"Draco! Are you ok? Where's Cassidey? Have you seen Hermione yet?" Harry bombarded him.
"Harry? I'm fine. She's with Blaize. And why would Granger  want to see me?" he replied.
Harry took a step back, And looked at Draco questionably.
"Hermione is your wife. She was worried because you found out she was pregnant before she could tell you." Harry stated.
"Harry. I am married to astoria. You were there. And she is pregnant with my son." Draco replied.
"Oh no this isn't good at all."Harry muttered to himself. He grabbed Draco and started dragging him to the castle
"Potter what to hell!"Draco yelled, trying to free himself.

Soon enough they were in proffeser Snape's  room
Harry banged on the door the echo from the mahogany sounded through the corridors.
"What do you want?" Snape snapped.
"I think Draco has been obliviated!"Harry urged.
"You have lost it....."Draco persisted but was cut off.
"I see. Well bring him in I will see." Snape said.
Snape entered Draco's mind.
" you are correct.  There is a block. He has no memory of his real marriage or of the past half year." Snape said.
"Wait so someone took my memories and I really am married to Granger?"Draco asked
"Can you undo it?"Harry asked.
"Yes to Draco, no to Potter."Snape replied
"Only the person who cast the spell can undo this or if the effected memory is triggered."Snape explained.
"But for now i suggest going to your dorms to sleep, for who knows what trials may await you in the morning." Snape said. He sent them away then returned to his quarters.
"He doesn't remember anything?" Hermione whispered. Tears staining her cheeks.
"I'm afraid not my child."He said as he pulled his daughter into his arms to comfort her.
She fell asleep but there was no rest for her sleep was of nightmares of Draco never remembering.

The picture at the top was made by my friend ArtLover613

Lucifer- what am I doing here?
Michael- BadWolfsdaughter stole us from Gabriels_Wings.
Luci- oh. Well then I will use my army of squiggels to get us back.
Michael- she took them......
Luci- well doesn't the author need us for her books?
Me- I promise I will give you back.
Michael- so she won't t let us go until we tell you some things.
Luci- first there are only a few more chapters of this.
Michael - second she hopes you have a great Christmas,falese  navada, hanaka or what you celebrate.
Luci- and she is sorry for the later update but this is her Christmas update.
Michael - she wants to remind you to ask questions, vote, comment and anything else. Goodnight.
Luci- yay my army of squiggels! Oh and go check out Gabriels_Wings work!

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