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Two Days Later


"So why exactly is she moving in with me?"  Ramona asked David in a sharp tone. "Because I have a wife and child. We need our space. You just have that guy you're supposedly dating." Said David.

Ramona narrowed her eyes. "Supposedly? He's my partner, David. We've been together for months now." She said. David shrugged. "Oh. Sorry. I wouldn't know, because no one called or texted me and told me." He said.

"You can be so immature, David. Honestly. I have an entire company to run, it's not like it's intentional if I can't call all the time." Ramona replied. "I bet you can call that guy all the time." Said David. Ramona sighed. "So why did she spend two days with you?" Ramona asked. "Well she has to spend time with her grandchild." He said as if it was obvious.

Suddenly, Rochelle came into the kitchen where they were talking. She examined it closely, looking in each direction possible. "Hm, Ramona, your home is quite large." She said. Ramona was about to speak, but was cut off by the same woman. "Although I don't think you need all of this space. But I know that you're still single. It would just be so much better for two people, not one. " Rochelle said. Ramona licked her teeth.

"But after all you did pick a rather selfish job position..." The woman mumbled, then leaving the kitchen and proceeding to look around. "I get so tired of her." Ramona mumbled. "Let's just keep the peace- Why is it that she can get away with how differently she treats the two of us?" Asked Ramona.

"It's probably just an oldest sibling thing." Said David. Ramona didn't reply. Her cell phone rang, and David rolled his eyes once seeing who was calling her. She seemed pleased to see it. "Hold on. I'll be right back. Keep her busy and out of my things." Said Ramona. David flattened his lips.

She went into her bedroom, then shutting the door. She cleared her throat before answering the phone. "Yes?" She asked with a smile. "How's it going?" He asked. "Well, my mother is staying with me. I have no idea for how long." Said Ramona. "Well hopefully thinks go smoothly. Although I would say I'd like to meet your mother." Dwight said.

Ramona shook her head quickly. "I'd prefer to stay far away from her, actually. She's a nightmare for me so I'd assume she'd be one for you too." She answered. "Well, how about we do something to take our minds off of it? He suggested. Ramona rubbed the back of her neck. "Like what?" She asked, her voice sounding smoother now.

"Me and my friends are going to the mall today. Preferably oakbrook." He said. "Want to join? Laila and Alina will be there too. Then we were thinking of stopping somewhere to eat." He said.

"Oh, so that's what you have planned. Hmm, well I'll have to see. I have to stop into the office for a few things, it shouldn't take long." She said. Dwight released a playful huff at the end. "I'll be there to pick you up and we can head there together. How's that?" He asked. She nodded. "That works." She said.


"Look, I have somewhere to be. I'll be back later." Said Ramona. David crossed his arms. "Let me guess...work?" He asked. Ramona grabbed the door handle, opening it. "According to you, I need to balance my work life and family life. Quitting it is out of the question." Said Ramona.

Their mother came into the living room. "David, don't fight with her on that. She's just wired that way." She said, then fanning her hand at Ramona before sitting down on the couch. Ramona furrowed her eyebrows at her. "See you later." She said, then shutting the door. David shook his head. "I don't know how I ended up with a sister like her." He said.

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