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Next week


"See? Was it so hard to have a family dinner?" Said David, washing off a few bell peppers in the sink. Ramona stood behind him, facing the kitchen island and cutting up onions on a cutting board.

"Yes. But it would be better if some of us acted more like family..." She mumbled, glancing in the direction of her mother, who was in the living room trying to turn on music. Smooth jazz began to play throughout the television speakers after a few moments.

She released a satisfied sigh, then coming back into the kitchen. "Oh, isn't this nice? I like watching my two children in the kitchen this way. It's good practice for some of us when we get married. If, I mean." Rochelle said. Ramona released a huff.

"I don't like marriage because I don't want to feel like a servant to anyone." Said Ramona bluntly. "You don't have to take it as being a servant. Women should want to cater to their men. Especially with the hard work they do. Isn't that right David?" Asked Rochelle. "I agree." He said. "Of course you do." Mumbled Ramona. "Me and my wife have a good marriage." He said. "And I'm happy for you. You have a great wife and a healthy child. But not everyone wants a traditional marriage. Being a submissive wife wouldn't be possible for me anyway, I'm far too busy. I'm also not that type." Said Ramona.

"Well, now we can see why you aren't with anyone." Said Rochelle. Ramona suddenly cut down hard onto the cutting board, making it hit against the wood with force. "David, how about you finish this. I need some fresh air." She said, then walking away.

Rochelle fanned her hand at her. "She's always been so sensitive. Come on hun, let's continue." She said. Ramona headed into her bedroom, then closing the door and releasing a sigh. "My god, why is she staying with me?" Asked Ramona.

She leaned against her door, and she got a phone call. She realized that it was Laila, and she tried not to answer the phone with an annoyed demeanor. "Hey, how are you?" Asked Laila. "I'm fine, how about you?" Ramona asked. "I'm good. Me and Alina were having a wine night with a few other friends at our house after we come back from an event. You're free to join." She offered. "You know, maybe that would really be something I need." Ramona replied.

"Well, we have more than enough for the three of us." Laila chuckled. "See you then. I'd say seven is a good time to come. I'll text you the address." She said.


Ramona sighed in relief after taking a sip from the wine glass. "Wow, this is really smooth." She said. "It's French. Imported. A friend of mine does a lot of wine tasting. He recommended this one." Said Alina. Ramona nodded. "So, how has your day been?" Laila asked. Ramona sighed. "My mother has been staying with me lately. And I regret it everyday." Said Ramona.

"Ooh. Parents can be rough." Said Laila. "We just don't have the bond that a mother and daughter should. She always had a more strict way of thinking towards me than towards my brother. And she still keeps that mindset with her." Said Ramona. "Mothers tend to favor the boys more. Seen it happen a lot in my family too. You'd think that with how much trouble boys get in, they'd be the ones being under surveillance all the time." Said Alina.

"And now Dwight can't come over as often either. And I don't even want him to meet her because of the way she acts." Said Ramona. "Speaking of which, how are things going between you two?" Asked Laila. "Things seem to be going fine, why?" Ramona asked. "Well, you did say you were interested in exploring more of your kinky side. So, we wondered if you have been trying to test anything new. Of course we're not asking for details." Said Alina.

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