Sexually Frustrated

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August was on a three month tour and you were missing him like crazy─and the sex.

You were inside the house all by yourself and you hated that. You were paranoid that someone might break in.

Just as you came out the shower, your phone went off. You looked at your screen and seen August calling to FaceTime you. You dried your hands on your towel and answered the call. It took a while for the call to connect but when it finished, you smiled widely.

"Hi baby!" You said happily. You walked inside the bed room and laid across the bed, still in your towel.

"Wassup ma how ya' been?" August questioned. You let out heavy sigh.

"Bored. I can't wait till you get home."

"You can't wait? I can't wait. A nigga is sexually frustrated ova' hea'." He said making you laugh.

"Well you can have all of me when you get back." You teased him.

You and August talked on FaceTime for about an hour until he had to go get ready for a show.

You crawled in the bed and pulled the covers over your head. You turned on your side and shut off the lamp, then slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

The next morning you woke up feeling great...until you looked over at August side of the bed and realized he wasn't there.

"Right." You rolled out the bed and walked lazily to the bathroom.

After getting your hygiene together, you went downstairs in the kitchen to cook breakfast. You made pancakes, biscuits, bacon, and eggs. When you finished eating, you were full so you decided to lay down on the couch and watch tv.

Later on that day, around 5:45, you heard an unexpected knock at the door. You jogged to the door and unlocked it. When you opened it, you were in shock. August stood there with his MCM duffel bag.

"Oh my god." You said slowly. A small smirk creeped up on August lips.

You ran and jumped into his arms. He caught you and connect his lips to yours hungrily. Not breaking the kiss, he brought you both inside and dropped his duffel bag. He carried you up the stairs and when you both made it to the room, he pulled away from the kiss and dropped you on the bed.

"Damn you didn't even tell me what happened." You joked.

"Tour ended early." He said taking off his shirt, revealing his tattoos.

"Hey, how about we do this later on tonight. I wanna know how was the tour." You said sitting up and watching him.

"Listen. I have been on a three month tour. I've had no pussy. I couldn't beat my meat. I'm fucking horny. I'm not about to wait tonight. My dick is on hard right now YN." You looked down at his sweatpants and seen the biggest bulge. You stared at August and seen 'sexually frustrated' written all over his face.

"I thought so."


August laid you back on the bed and kissed you anxiously. You kissed him back, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled away slowly and stripped you out of your shirt and shorts. Then he unhooked your bra, exposing your breasts that sat up on its own. He sucked on your right breast, causing a moan to escape your mouth. He continued to suck on it until it turned purple. He made a trail of wet kisses down your belly, then he stopped when he made it to your panties. He noticed your panties were soaking, which caused him to smirk. He decided that he wanted to tease you, so he pulled off your panties slowly. You bit your lip in frustration. He finally got them off of you, and threw them to the side. He stood up and took off his sweatpants. Then his boxers, making his hard dick pop out; like a jack in a box. He didn't waste any time. He got straight down to business. He entered you roughly, making you gasp. He threw both of your legs over his shoulder and stroked slowly, but roughly.

"Oh..fuck." You threw your head back and moaned out in pleasure, gripping his shoulders. He stroked faster and deeper, as groaned lowly and bit his lip.

August pulled out, making you sit up. Then he pushed himself in, all the way in. A couple thrusts later, he found your g-spot. You let out a loud piercing scream as August grinned.


You started clench yourself, making August growl.

"Stop that shit YN." You unclenched yourself, making it easier for August to access you. He continued to pound your g-spot and groan.

Suddenly, you felt your orgasm sneak up on you.

"A-August! I'm gonna c-cum!" You told him. Your curled your toes and arched your back. August took that as a cue to go faster. You bucked your hips wildly and screamed.

"Shit.." August panted as he filled himself inside of you. He pulled himself out of you and laid beside you, leaving your juices dripping.

You and August uneven breathing were the only things to be heard right now. You turned to him and smiled.

"I missed you."

He leaned in and kissed you passionately. When he pulled away, he smiled at you.

"I missed you too. How 'bout Round 2?"

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now