Wanted but Unwanted

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(A/N: This is the sequel to "The Obsession." If you haven't, go read the first four parts to understand. Enjoy)


Later that night I sat on the bed, contemplating life. How the fuck do you let a prisoner escape?! Aren't there suppose to be guards all over the damn prison?! I guess Keith noticed the frustration on my face and sat next to me and rubbed my hand.

"It's okay."

I shook my head repeatedly. "No it's not Keith. All of this is not okay. This psycho escaped prison! This puts our family in danger. Especially Rhyan. She's only 2! She shouldn't be dealing with this."

"I know." Keith exhaled, running his finger through his hair.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, staring into his eyes.

"How about we move. Far." He suggested. My eyes lid up. That's a perfect idea.

"Perfect. But where?"

"Florida is pretty good."

I clapped my hands together. "Perfect! We'll start packing tomorrow."

"Alright." Keith smiled.


The next morning we woke up and got down to business. First we started with the mirrors and pictures that were all around the house.

Two long hours of packing, we finally decided to go eat breakfast at IHOP.

"Daddy. Up." Rhyan tugged on Keith's shirt and lifted her arms in the air. Keith grinned and grabbed her and rested her on his lap.

Moments later, the waitress came and began to take our order.

A u g u s t

I watched all of them from a distance. How dare YN let my daughter call this nigga daddy? I'm her real biological dad. I just wanted to go ova' 'dere and grab her and run, but ya know. I'm kinda wanted at the moment. I watched him play with her. She looked so happy.

Seeing them get up and walk out, I stood up, kept my head low, and walked out also. I seen them get into their black Audi so I got into my car─don't ask how.

They reversed out and I did the same. I adjusted my mirrors and continued to drive smoothly on the road.


We made it home safely, but I had a weird feeling in my stomach. That weird feeling came to my throat and I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Keith walked in and rubbed my back.

"Are you okay baby?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

I nodded and stood up, flushing the toilet. Probably the breakfast from IHOP didn't agree with me.

Keith popped open the Tic-Tac mints and poured two in my hands. I playfully rolled my eyes and took the mints out his hand, shoving them in my mouth.

We both walked back inside the kitchen, and continued to pack the unnecessary glasses in the box.

8:00 came around quick and Keith and I just finished packing away Rhyan's toys in her room. We ran out of tape so Keith went out to buy some.

Meanwhile, I was downstairs, watching tv until I heard a faint scream come from Rhyan's room. I shot up and ran up the stairs and barged inside Rhyan's room to see her sitting on some guy lap who had a black hoodie on. The mystery guy took off his hoodie and stood up, staring at me.

"Oh fuck."
Hey guys!

I didn't feel like putting this on a separate book so I'm going to keep it on the imagine book.


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