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It was a rainy night and you and August were coming back from a party and of course you both were arguing.

"Okay August but I don't give a fuck if she didn't have anyone to dance with! You shouldn't have never let her dance all over you!" You raised your voice at him.

"Okay YN." August continued to keep his eyes on the road.

"Don't just say okay August! I'm not gonna shut up! I'm gonna say what the fuck I have to say!" You barked getting highly frustrated.

"YN it's raining, I'm trying to concentrate on the road. Please. We can speak about it when we get home."

"No! We're gonna speak about it now!"

"DAMMIT YN! WHY THE FUCK YOU GOTTA BE SO DAMN STUBBORN?!" He yelled, gripping the steering wheel tightly and staring at you angrily.

"Why do you let girls come on to you?!"

"Man fuck this. I'm done." He said pulling the car over and getting out.

"Where the fuck are you going?!"

"I'm walking home. I'm getting my stuff. And I'm leaving. I'm done YN." He said walking on the sidewalk.

You hopped in the front seat and rolled down the window on the side where he was walking, "You're fucking pathetic August."

"Yeah whatever YN. That's exactly why I'm leaving yo insecure ass now." He scoffed and continued to walk.

"Fuck you!" You yelled at him.

You soon seen two headlights speed at you. Your eyes locked with the driver of the 18 wheeler truck. There wasn't enough time to react. You screamed as the 18 wheeler came in contact with your car and boom, glass shattered everywhere. You hit your head hard on the steering wheel as your car flipped over twice. The airbag popped out, making your vision go blurry then go pitch black.

"YN!!!" August screamed, running to the car.
•Comment if I should do a part 2

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now