Twins {Pt.2}

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|August POV|
What...the...hell? I quickly pushed Londyn off me and ran upstairs.

"YN open up!" I yelled, banging on Me & YN bedroom door.

"Leave me the fuck alone you cheater!" She screamed. I sighed and grabbed a card from my pocket and slipped it in the crack of the door and it opened.

"YN baby please I'm sorry I didn't know!" I grabbed her, trying to get her attention.

"Let me go!" She screamed trying to get out my grip.

"No, you're gonna listen to me and listen to me clearly. I didn't know that was Londyn. She played a little mind trick on me to thinking she was you." When she heard that she stopped trying to fight out my grip and she looked at me then the door.

She pushed me out my grip and ran downstairs in the living room to Londyn. Oh lord.

|Nobody's POV|

"Why? Why the fuck would you play a mind trick on my fucking boyfriend to think you were me?!" You yelled at her.

"That was payback." She folded her arms staring at you.

"What? Payback?" You's asked in confusion.

"Don't try to act stupid now," She stood up, "Remember at our fourteenth birthday party? And I saw you and MY boyfriend dancing together. And then you kissed him?"

"Londyn that was 8 years ago! Get over it!"

Londyn had a slight smirk across he face, "I am over it. Now that I kissed- nearly fucking your boyfriend-" You didn't even let her finish her sentence.

You ran and attacked her with punches. She screamed and tried to cover her face, to protect her face from any damage you were giving her.

August soon dragged you off her and sighed.

"Pack your shit, you leaving my house." You balled up your fist at Londyn.

"Where am I gonna go?!" She stood up and wiped the blood from her nose.

"I don't know. And I don't care. You can go to a nearby motel. I really don't care. I just want you out of my house. I don't want to see you." You said carelessly as you sat on the couch and shrugged.

"That's fucked up yo." Londyn shook her head.

"What's fucked up is you kissing my boyfriend. Now hurry up and pack ya shit up and LEAVE."

Londyn scoffed and shook her head, going up the stairs.

|15 Minutes Later|

Londyn walked down with her suitcases in her hands.

"Well, I'm all packed up. I'm sorry for what I did to you YN, and I'm sorry for what I did to you August." She apologized looking down.

"It's okay Londyn." August accepted her apology.

"Mm, well you're still my twin and I don't hold in grudges so I guess I'll accept your apology." You looked at her up and down.

"Uh thanks. So where is the nearest motel?" She asked.

"August will take you there." You said grabbing the keys off the kitchen counter and handing them to August.

"Okay, let's go." August said grabbing one of her suitcases.

"Bye YN." Londyn waved.

"Bye Londyn."

|10 Minutes Later|

August came back inside, trying to give you a kiss but you dodged it.

"Wash ya mouth first." You chuckled. August scoffed. He was getting ready to go upstairs when grabbed you and kissed you then pulled away.

"Ewwww!" You pushed him.

"Luh you too baby." He chuckled as he went upstairs.
I rushed doing this chapter so sorry if there are any misspelled words of errors.

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