A Little Surprise

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I didn't proofread guys so sorry for any errors or mistakes!
"Okay Elise we're only staying here for 30 minutes, go play." You said to your 6 year old sister.

She nodded and ran away to the playground as you sat on the bench, getting out your phone.

Less than 10 minutes later, you heard bickering. You looked up from you phone and seen Elise and some little girl by the swings yelling.

You sighed and got up from the bench, walking over to Elise and the little girl.

"What happened?"

"She's saying that she was at the swings first but I was!" Elise yelled at the girl.

The little girl rolled her eyes, "You're a liar! I was here first until you pushed me out the way and got on there!" She yelled back at Elise.

"Aye what's going on?" You heard a familiar voice. You turned around and seen your ex boyfriend August.

"Daddy! This mean girl pushed me out the way from getting on the swings!" She whined. When you heard 'daddy', your eyes grew wide.

You were in shocked at August. You couldn't believe that he had a child. When you guys were together he always told you he didn't want any.

"Uh uh, have some manners Autumn before I pop them legs." He said.

"I'm sorry about her be- YN?" You looked at him and raised both your eyebrows.

"H-Hey August." You said as you looked down and kicked the woodchips.

"Long time no see huh?" He chuckled.

You slightly giggled, "Yep." You honestly didn't know what to say. It's been so long since you seen him.

There was an awkward silence between the both of you until he broke it, "So, how's life with you? You must be engaged now."

"No." You giggled, "I'm single actually."

"Really?" He raised his eyebrow, "I thought you was probably engaged."

"Nah." You shook your head, "But how's life with you?"

He let out a huge sigh, "Not so good."


"I haven't been able to spend time with my Autumn lately. I've been working so much that I barley see her. She stays with her grandma until I get off of work and that's not until 12 in the morning and she be sleep at that time."

"Aww, but what about her mom? Why can't she stay with her?" You asked out of curiosity.

August grew quiet. He rubbed the back of his neck and took a deep breath, "She died 5 minutes later after she gave birth to Autumn."

"Oh." You looked down at your feet, "I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's cool. It's cool."

"Well have you ever thought of dating again?"

"Nah." He shook his head, "Autumn has been my main priority. Ion think I'm ready to start dating again."

"Oh." You looked away.

"Yeah, you?" He asked.

"...I don't know if I'm ready to start dating again. I'm scared." You rubbed your arm.


"I don't wanna deal with the heartbreaks."

"I'm sorry YN. I'm sorry for breaking your heart at such a young age. I didn't mean what I did but I surely regret it. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me. I didn't plan on having Autumn. It just happened." He apologized.

You sniffled a little and rubbed your eyes. You soon felt yourself being pulled into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry." He kissed your forehead.

"It's okay August. I'm fine now." You smiled. August finally pulled away from the hug and smiled.

"But um, it was nice seeing you. I guess I'll be leaving with Elise," You said starting to walk away holding Elise hand.

You continued walking to your car until you heard August call you,

"Aye YN." You looked back and raised an eyebrow.


"You wanna go out? Like to the ice cream shop? N-Not like its a date but like friends." He stuttered nervously. You always thought it was cute when August stuttered cause he was so nervous.

You giggled and nodded your head, "Yes I would love to August."

"Alright cool," He smiled. "Uh, you still leave in the same house?"


"Okay. I'll pick you up at 4:45." You looked at phone as the time 3:58 appeared on the screen.

"Perfect. See you later August." You giggled shyly and opened the car door for Elise.

Once you got in the car you smiled and whispered to yourself, "YES."
You guys don't vote like that anymore. That's probably one of the main reasons why I'm ending the book. I don't understand what's so hard clicking a star. But whatever. I was too lazy to do Twins part 2 but I will get to that. After I update that I'll do another chapter then I'm finished.

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