Nerf Wars

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It was a long and tiring day in the studio. I finally went home, to see a Nerf gun and a letter on the kitchen counter. I set my keys down, picked up letter, and began to read.

Dear Boyfriend
Hii. I'm in the hiding in the house with a Nerf Gun. There's the other one. The loser cooks for a week and cleans the whole house.

Good luck babe. May the best person win.


I smiled and picked up the blue Nerf Gun that was filled with ammo. I started to search downstairs. I first checked inside the fitness room. She wasn't there. Game room. Wasn't there. When I walked out, I heard shuffling.

She think she slick. I know she's down here. I went inside the dining room and checked under the table. Of course, she wasn't there. I went inside the kitchen. She gotta be in here. The pantry was cracked open, and I seen a shoe peaking out. I tip toed over there then swung the pantry door open. I looked down and seen her shoes. No body.

Damn she smart.

I checked in the living room, behind the couches? Nope. Behind the tv? Nope.

This shit is gonna be harder than I thought.

Well, she ain't downstairs, so she must be upstairs. I headed up the stairs and checked our room first. I opened the closet door and scanned through the clothes, until I felt three darts hit my back. I quickly turned around and no one was there. What the hell?

I got out the closet and walked out the room, going to the bathroom. As I was checking, I heard faint footsteps. I turned around and seen YN with the same Nerf Gun as mines.

"Oh shit." She said before running down the stairs. I ran after her and shot her in her back.

She ran inside the living room and shot me right in the stomach. I tried to shoot her but she dodged it and ran back upstairs.

When I got upstairs, I looked around. She was no where to be found.

"YN...Come out already." I sang, walking into the guest room.

She's in here. I know it.


I was hiding under the bed in the guest room. I heard August sing and walk in the room. I tried to keep my breathing quietly as possible.

He checked inside the closet. Should I go? Yeah. I quietly scooted from under the bed, then I felt myself about to sneeze. No YN. No. No. No.

I squeezed my nose and closed my eyes. The sneeze went away and I continued to scoot from under the bed until...



I was dead now. I got from under the bed and August was standing there with his gun pointed at me and a smirk on his face.

"Please." I put my hands up in surrender.

He shook his head. "Nah babeh. I ain't fallin' fa' that."

But I know this will.

I started breathing heavily. I put my hand around my neck and fell down to my knees. August dropped his gun and went down for me.

"Babeh, are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "Do you need ya' asthma inhaler?"

I nodded my head quickly. He got up on his feet and went to get my asthma inhaler. I grabbed my gun and followed him to our bathroom. I aimed at him and shot him one more time, before my Nerf Gun ran out of darts.

August turned around and looked at me, trying to hold back a smile. "Ya' tricked me."

"Yes, yes I did. Now, if you try and get your Nerf Gun, you'll shoot me, but you won't win." I smiled. He tilted his head in confusion.


"Because each gun has five darts in it. I shot you with all five. If you shoot me, it's only gonna be four. I dodged the one downstairs."

"Well ya' could've told a nigga that on the letta'." He said, making me giggle.

"Sorry." I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"It's aight. But I liked this. It was fun." He pecked my lips. I looked down smiling.

"Me too. But...I want some rice and chicken. And since I won, you have cook for a week and clean. So get started." I unwrapped my arms from him and put my hand on my hip, staring at him.

August playfully kissed his teeth. "Aww damn. Well daddy bout ta' throw it down inna kitchen so lemme put on ma' apron." He said going downstairs. I let out a laugh and followed him.

You gotta love August.
I decided..This is my last imagine. This imagine book is completed. I really appreciate all the votes and comments from you guys. I love y'all so much *wipes tear*

But forreal, I love you guys so much. I remember I was nervous to post the first imagine, Blossom cause I thought I wasn't good enough. Now, I'm here. Okay, I'm done.

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now