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You were currently at home getting dressed for this house party your best friend Lana dragged you to. You fixed your hair, put on your jewelry and all that other stuff. Once you were finally finished you heard the door ring so you hurried and grabbed your purse and made your way downstairs. You opened the door, revealing Lana.

"Hay girl damn you look good!" She complimented you. You smiled and did a 360 turn and ended it with a little dip.

"Yasssss work it boo!" Lana snapped her fingers in a Z shape.

"Thanks hun. You look good also!" You chuckled.

"Thank ya I try I try." She popped her imaginary collar. You playfully rolled your eyes and shook your head.

"Anyways you ready?"

"Yea leggo!" She slightly yelled and pulled you out the door.

〜Trey Songz Mansion〜

You and Lana got out her car and looked at the filled mansion. People were outside smoking and all that, some were in the back of the mansion at the pool area, and of course most of the people were inside. You can say there was about 100-300 people there.

"C'mon let's go inside." Lana patted your back. You smiled and nodded as you both went inside the crowded house.

After squirming through people for about 3 minutes, you and Lana finally made it to her lil boy toy Trey. She smiled and jumped on him, pecking his lips.

"Hey baby." He spun her around and kissed back on the lips.

"Trey, this is my best friend YN. I don't know if you remember her from high school." Lana introduced.

"Woah YN that's really you? Damn you really changed." He hugged you.

"Ha yes this is me."

You smiled and walked away to the bar and grabbed a red cup with liquor in it. You decided to walk to the back where the pool area is.

You looked down at you cup until you bumped into someone. "Oh my bad." You looked up, looking at your middle/high school bully August.

August used to bully you because you were tiny, kinda overweight, and you wore glasses. But now you grew up so you look totally different. You slimmed down, you grew a little and you wore contacts.


"YN? Damn is that you?" He asked bitting his bottom lip.

"Uh...yeah." You tried to walk away when he stepped in front of you.

"Where you tryna go?" He stood closer to you.

" the pool area..can you like just please move." You tried to move but he continued to block your way.

He smirked at you, then looked at the pool, then back at you. You finally realized what August was trying to do so you tried to run until he grabbed you by your waist, throwing you into the pool.

Everyone outside was laughing and pointing at you. You climbed out the pool and stormed towards August.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU BASTARD!" You were so frustrated. You went back inside the mansion finding Lana sitting on Trey lap kissing on him.

You tapped her shoulder and she looked at you with a shocked face.

"YN what-"

"Just drop me home Lana please." You cut her off. She hopped off Trey and grabbed your hand.

-Your House-

After Lana dropped you off, you went upstairs and took a shower and threw on a big t-shirt and some panties. You were watching tv until someone knocked at the door. You went downstairs and opened it revealing August.

"What do you want?" You sighed.

"Can we talk...please?" He asked politely.

"No. I have nothing to say to you."

"YN I'm sorry about tonight okay? I'm sorry about bothering for your middle school and high school years. I just thought I'd funny." He apologized.

"Funny? So it's funny to you to embarrass me by throwing me in a pool?! Your a low down dirty asshole and I can't stand you! You don't care about no one el-" He shut you up with a long kiss.

Your eyes widen and you tried to pull back, but realizing he wasn't gonna pull away, you just kissed him back. He pulled away slowly and looked at you.

"You talk to damn much. I apologized YN damn what else you want me to do?"

"Kiss me."


"You heard me. Kiss me." You smirked.

"Well shid you don't gotta tell me twice!" He grabbed you by your waist and brung you towards him as he kissed you.

You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He tried to slip his tongue in but you didn't let him so he bit you bottom lip making you moan loudly as August slipped his tongue in.

5 minutes later you both pulled away and smiled.

"Uh...well I guess you should get back to Trey's party." You sighed.

"Or I could maybe spend the night witchu'." He smirked. You giggled and pulled August by his white shirt, bringing him upstairs.

"Come on boy."

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now