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•YN (Main)
•August (Main)
•Eve (YN & August Friend) *Friends
•Melissa (August Ex-Girlfriend) *Friends*
•Ebony (August Baby Momma) *BMFH*
•Jose (YN Friend) *Understand Me*
•Londyn (YN twin sister) *Twins*
Host: Hello! Today we have everyone who played a big role in the imagine book. It's a reunion! Okay so first let's start off with YN. How are you?
YN: I'm great *smiles* How are you?
Host: I'm awesome. Thanks for asking. So let's get straight to it. So in "Twins" your twin sister Londyn came onto August. Please tell me how you felt about that.
YN: I felt..hurt. I couldn't believe my twin sister would do something like that to me. She knew how much I love August. When she did that, I lost mad respect and trust for her. Even though she did that, at the end of the day she's my sister, and I love her.
Host: That's sweet. Now Londyn, can you explain to us why you did that to your sister?
Londyn: Honestly, it was payback from a long time ago, and, I was jealous. August treats her so well...I was just jealous *looks down*
Host: Okay then Londyn. Let's go to Ebony. Hello Ebony so in the chapter "BMFH" You and YN fought. Why is that?
Ebony: I don't like her. I don't like how August scoop up these random ass chicks from the streets. Then has the nerves to bring her to my house. Around my son.
YN: Nah bitch. You called me out my name so I whooped your ass. Don't try to change the story up. Admit that you got your ass whooped.
Ebony: Shut the fuck up no one was talking to you.
YN: But I was talking to you.
Ebony: You wanna go round 2 bitch?
YN: *stands up* I'll be gladly to whoop your sorry ass again.
August: *grabs YN hand and sits her down on his lap* Chill babeh. She ain't worth it.
YN: *exhales* Okay, you right.
August: *kisses her neck* Good.
Ebony: *mumbles something*
Host: Alright ladies chill. Now let's go to Jose. Jose were YN's friend in "Understand Me." When YN had to go to the doctor and find out the gender of the baby, and August wasn't there, how did you feel?
Jose: I was pissed off. Like how do you miss this special appointment? You're finding out the gender of your own child! I was just really pissed.
Host: *nods* Now to Eve. In "Friends?" It was around prom time and everyone was going to prom--except YN. Explain how that went.
Eve: Okay, so YN had been crushing on August for the longest now, but he was with Melissa at the time. So when I went up to them and asked them if they were going, YN said she wasn't because she didn't have anyone to go with, but she wanted August to ask her. Then when Melissa came up to August and kissed him in front of YN, it broke her heart. Later that evening she was sobbing to me about how she wants to tell August but she couldn't. I had to leave to get dressed so I did. Later that night I seen her at the prom with August, and I was shocked.
Host: *chuckles* Melissa, what happened? Why weren't you at prom?
Melissa: I was there. I was just there with another guy.
Everyone: Woww.
August: She a thot.
Melissa: Fuck you August! You should be the last nigga talking right now! You have nine kids!
YN: Aye aye aye don't be bringing up how much kids he have. That ain't none of your business
Melissa: Who was talking to you? You keep butting in when no one was talking to you. Just shut the hell up and stay over there.
YN: I won't shut the hell up. But you can before I beat the shit out of you on this damn floor.
Melissa: *stands up* Bitch don't think cause you beat Ebony ass, you undefeated.
YN: I never thought that you dumb hoe *stands up and walk towards Melissa* I've been waiting to beat your ass. Since high school.
Melissa: Then let's go! *pushes YN*
YN: *tries to attack Melissa*
Security 1: *grabs YN and takes her backstage*
Security 2: *takes Melissa backstage*
August: Can I?
Host: *nods*
August: *gets up and goes backstage*


August: *goes up to YN* Babeh you okay?
YN: I'm fine.
August: You sure?
YN: I'm positive August.
August: You ready to go back out?
YN: Yeah.
August: *grabs YN hand and takes her back onstage*


Host: Well look who's back *smiles*
YN: *slightly smiles and sits next to August*
Host: Alright now for one final question for YN and August. Were you guys planning to have that much kids?
YN: Honestly, no. I just wanted three, but three turned into seven.
August: Nine for me. But I luh' all ma' kids.
Host: Awww. But that's it for today guys. See you next time.
Everyone: *waving*

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now