Baby Momma From Hell

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"YN I'm about to go pick Jr up from Ebony house you coming?" August asked putting on his sneakers.

You stood up from his couch and pulled your pants up, "Sure, I wanna meet this baby momma from hell."

"Be nice." August said sternly, opening the house door.

"I will I will. But if she say some slick shit to me or about me, I'ma say what I gotta say." You said walking out the door with your purse.

•Ebony House•

You and August went to Ebony door and August knocked on her door. Moments later a girl who looked around 5'3, dark brown hair and ombre tips who you guessed was Ebony that opened the door.

"Oh hey August. I see you got a new hoe this week." She said smartly, opening the door.

You glared at her as you squeezed August hand tightly.

"Ebony watch your mouth." August said as you both walked in her house sitting on her couch in the living room.

"Whatever. JR YA DADDY HERE!" She yelled from downstairs.

Jr came downstairs with his Nintendo in his hand, but when he saw August he dropped it on the ground (don't worry it's the ground is carpet) and ran to him.

"DADDY!!!" He yelled, hugging him tightly.

"Aye wassup Jr." August chuckled and picked him up, sitting him on his lap.

"Nothing. I missed you!" Jr cheesed widely.

"Aww I missed you too." Aug smiled.
So August and Jr played and talked for a couple of hours until he had to go to bed.

"Okay Jr it's time for bed you have school in the morning." Ebony said.

"But mommy it's only 8!" Jr whined.

"Jr." Ebony stared at him. Jr sighed and rolled his eyes before turning to August.

"Goodnight daddy." He said hugging him.

"Night Jr, sleep tight." Aug hugged him back smiling.

Jr soon let go and went upstairs in his room. Now turning your focus back on to Ebony, who was glaring at you.

"So August, where did you find this hoe at? The streets?" She smirked and folded her arms, still glaring at you.

"Bitch who the fuck are you to call me out my muthafucking name though? You don't fucking know me to be calling me out my name! Call me a hoe again and I will break ya fucking face!" You stood up yelling.

"Nah babe chill just ignore her." August tried to calm you down and sit you down but you snatched away from him.

"No don't fucking tell me to ignore this bitch when she talking mad shit about me in my face! I ain't bout to let that shit slide!"

"BITCH I DARE YOU TO TOUCH ME!" Ebony stood up, walking towards you.

"Nah nah it's time to go YN lets go." August picked you up and taking you out Ebony house.


"Hoe shut yo ass up you couldn't even if you tried. I'll rip all that Brazilian out your hair." Ebony said chuckling and sipping on her drink.

And that's when you had enough. You pulled out August grip and ran inside Ebony house and grabbed her hair, dragging her on the ground.

"DIDNT I TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME A FUCKING HOE?!" You yelled dragging her.

"BITCH LET THE FUCK GO OF MY HAIR!" She screamed kicking you in the face, making you let her go and stumbling back.

"Oh hell no." You growled as you tackled Ebony and attacked her with punches.

August ran back in and pulled you off of her, grabbing you out the house.


"Aw shut the fuck up you rent-a-hoe! Go back to sucking dicks on the streets for 10 cents you thirsty bum ass hoe!" Ebony laughed loudly.

You rolled you eyes as August put you in the car.

"Babe, you alright?" He asked.

"Man whatever. Fuck that dusty ass trick. She can go jump off a cliff for all I care." You said breathing hard, putting on your seatbelt.

"I still love you though my little fighter." August kissed your lips.
If you guys didn't know, Jr is 4. But I don't really know what to say. Hope you guys that didn't have school today, enjoyed your day off.

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