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"August I'm going to work now. I want Ava hair washed by the time I get back home." You said sternly.

August had Ava on his lap as they both were watching Spongebob. His eyes were glued on the tv until you snapped.

"August. Did you hear me?"

"Yes I did YN." He sighed. You smiled and gave Ava a hug and kiss.

"Can I get a kiss?" August sat up and turned back at you.

"Nah you good." You giggled. August groaned until you threw his head back and pecked his lips.

"There. Happy?" You asked sarcastically.

"Yes now go to work before you be late." You chuckled then left.

~Omniscient POV~

August looked at Ava and scrunched his eyebrows.

"Ava..What did mommy say to do?"

"She said you have to wash my hair."

"But...I don't know how to."

"Didn't you wash Kay Kay hair all the time?" Ava asked, referring to August niece.

"No, grandma did."


"Do you know how to wash your hair?" August asked Ava.

"Daddy I'm only 5." Ava giggled. August face palmed himself and sighed.

"Right," August sighed. "Uh..let's wash this hair of yours."

"Yay!" Ava hopped off August lap and ran upstairs getting her towel, the shampoo and conditioner, and a big teeth comb. She ran back downstairs and handed August the things.

"What do I do now?" August stared at Ava.

"Get the stool and put me over the sink. Then wash my hair."

"Okay lil mama let's get it started." August picked Ava up and walked in the kitchen, grabbing the stool. Ava stepped on the middle one and put her head in the sink.

August turned the faucet on and took Ava's hair out of the pony puff, making her hair go everywhere.

"Damn you got alotta hair girl." August mumbled to himself.

"I heard that daddy." Ava giggled.

August put Ava under the faucet, letting the water hit her hair. August poured the shampoo in Ava's hair then massaged her scalp. Once he shampooed her hair he rinsed it out, then poured the conditioner in. After he massaged her scalp again he combed her hair out with the big teeth comb. He rinsed the conditioner out then turned off the faucet and threw the towel on Ava head, drying her hair off.

"Yay daddy you did it!" Ava cheered.

"I feel like a mother." August groaned. Ava giggled and hugged August legs.

"What I do now?" August asked Ava as he picked her up and placed her on his hip.

"Get the blow dryer then blow dry my hair out."

August went upstairs and went inside you and his bathroom, and got the blow dryer from under the sink and plugged it in. Once he finished blow drying Ava hair, he put her hair in a ponytail.

"Yayyy daddy you did it!!!" Ava clapped her hands. August smiled and kneeled to Ava level.

"I couldn't have done it without you baby girl. Give daddy a high five." August put his hand up. Ava happily smacked it and smiled.

"Aight now let's go chill." August grabbed Ava hand as they went back downstairs watching tv.

~2 Hours Later~

You just pulled up at your house. You unlocked the door and stepped in and saw August and Ava knocked out on the couch. You smiled and shook your head as you pulled the covers over them both.

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now