The Bartender

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You work the night shift at the Strip Club called 'Club Redd' (made it up) and you hate it. You work as the bartender so you stay behind the bar and serve people with drinks.
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It was currently 11:44 p.m. and you were bored out of your mind. You sat behind the bar, tapping your nails on the table. You watched all the girls strip for the men as they threw 20s and 50s. You pulled your phone out and texted your best friend Leilani when 3 loud guys entered.

One had a on snapback, one with blond hair, and one with a short cut.

"Ayo pour us some shots right now." The one with the snapback demanded. You didn't budge to move.

They all looked at each other when the one with the short cut spoke up, "Um hello?? Are you gonna pour us some drinks or..?"

"No. That wasn't the proper way to ask." You sassed him.

"But...your the bartender."

"I'm a bartender not a fucking slave jackass." You snapped at him. He backed up a bit putting his hands up.

"Damn lil mama got a mouth on her." The one with the blond hair licked his lips. You rolled your eyes.

"Can you please pour us some drinks?" The one with the snapback asked nicely with a fake smile.

You flashed a fake smile back and stood up, "Suree. What do you guys want?"

"Hennessy." The blond haired dude said.

"Ciroc." The dude with the snapback on said.

"Myx moscato." The one with the short haircut said.

You poured their drinks in a little glass cup and slid it to them. They all chugged it down and 2 of them stood up.

"I'm going to the strip area." The blond hair dude said.
Him and the short hair cut one started to leave when they looked at the one with the snapback.

"Aug, you coming bro?"

"Uh nah ima' just stay and drink a bit more."

"Aight." The two guys both left to the strip area.

"Why you ain't go with ya lil homeboys? Scared ya lil girlfriend gon catch you?" You joked and sat down.

"I see you got jokes. And no ion have a girlfriend so Ian' gotta worry about that situation."

"You still haven't answered my first question." You reminded him.

"Oh. Uh. I just wanna sit here and talk to you. We got off on the wrong start. I'm August." He stuck his hand out and you happily shook it.

"I'm YN." You smiled.

"So wassup?" He asked. You shrugged and pulled your hair out of the ponytail, letting your hair fall on your back.

"Nothing, working."

"Why you working in the bar area, why you don't strip? You got the body." He smirked. You giggled and shook your head.

"Nah ion do stripping. Too scared." You admitted. He raised an eyebrow.

"Scared of what?"

"Just scared of stripping period. Niggas gon try and rape me." You laughed.

"Oh well yeah that's true." He agreed.

For what seems like hours, you and August were laughing and making jokes when his friends came back at the bar.

"Alright August leggo. We ready."

"Aight Chris gimme 2 minutes and I'll be out." He said. They both left out the club.

"You real cool YN." August said getting back to you. You smiled and looked down.

"Thanks. You are too."

"Wanna maybe, hang out sometimes?" He asked. You nodded and pulled your phone out, handing it to August.

He put his number in there and name as 'Daddy💦👅' and handed back to you.

"Call me tomorrow." He winked at you and left the club.
You bit your lip and slid down the wall.

Damn I think I love this dude already.

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now