Empty, Anxiety, Alone

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Evan's POV

Empty, black, darkness, lonely. That's what I feel, like the world is against me. I can't take this... Time for hell, I get up and get ready for the terrible day. I put on some black ripped jeans, black shirt and a jacket that has a a heart with a arrow in it. I like this jacket because it reminds me of how broken my life is... I go down stairs and wave to mom "Good morning Evi" she smiles "Hello mommy" I say as I grab my phone off the table. I put on my head phones and play my favorite song

Without Me by Hasley

As I walk to school I see a group of boys from my school and I decided to avoid them but they never seem to leave me alone. I noticed that they were following me and I turn onto a street and then take a secret passage to school. I think I lost them... I take off my head phones and enter the school...The usual, people staring at me and whispering. I don't get what's wrong with this city, he's been arrested sense I was 10, IM 16. I walk to the library, more stares... My god can I catch a break? I go in the back so I could be left alone. I have a interesting book... It's about a girl like me.. Alone. The bell rings and everyone gets up to go to class. I hate school, but I wanna go to college so I have to be in high school first.

(Time skip bc I don't feel like writing all about his classes)

it's now lunch that time and I am sitting by myself, I mean if a stuffed animal counts as a person then im not but as far as in concerned I am sitting by myself. I watch a group of girls come over to me,  fuck here we go again "Hi! Hey! Evi! How are you~!" Shut this Barbie pick me girl up please! "I was having the time of my life until you showed up" I tell her and she signs "I told you guys he's shy!" she says yo her pick me friends and they giggle. I feel like stabbing the girl in the heart 30 times. All of them.

(Another time skip bc I don't feel like writing all of about his classes)

Finally! School is over! I put back on my head phones and read my book while walking home. Just then something hits me in head and my mind went black. The last thing I saw was my phone on the floor with a small crack in it.

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