The 'Good' Kind of murderer

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Evan POV

I don't really have a job, but I kill people for fun. Now, your probably thinking 'Evan! You cant just kill random people!' And you're right! I kill people who have done terrible shit because y'know our police system is the biggest piece of shit ever. I have been teaching my daughter how to use a knife for self defense and all that other shit. Lia is gonna be a smarr , just like Gregory. I get up in the morning and sigh "Greg!" I says and Gregory wakes up "What the fuck do you want?" I kiss him "Come on sleepy head, get your ass outta bed" I say and I get up, putting on my glasses so I can see of course, I don't need Gregory shoving his big dick up my ass...W-Wait..U-Uhm forget I said that.

 I do my daily hygiene because if you don't you are a nasty person. I brush my hair and then put on my BLACKPINK hoodies, yep I have a lot of K-POP hoodies. Gregory goes to wake up Lia and Lia hugs us "Hi Dad, and Dad" we hug her back and then I pick her up "Come on, your gonna be late for the bus missy" I boop her on the nose and then the bus arrives and she gets on it. Gregory prefers to walk to work instead of driving. 

Same honestly, I first walk around the city and then I see him... I run up to him and hug him "Mikey!" I smile and Mikey turns around "Ev!" He smiles back "Omg I missed you!" I smirk "You marry Jayden yet~?" He crosses his arms "You and Gregory fuck yet?" I blush and then w both just start chatting and joking. I see some bitch steal a woman's purse so I follow him. I get him into a corner and then pull out a gun "Drop the damn purse or im shootinf your balls" he drops the purse, but I shoot his balls anyway because its funny " I pick up the purse and return it to the woman. Don't worry! The police will find it!....Eventually! The woman happily walks away and I smile to myself. Now I want boba, I say bye to Mike and then get some boba. The sun feels nice I will admit that its chill. But I wanna kill someone! But there's no one to kill! Im so bored! Ahhhh!


I do not enjoy school. I do no understand why in the world my parents send me to such a place. At least I have my dads FredBear plushie! He said it helped him when he was little so it should be able to keep me safe! I twirl a knife in my hand but put it in my backpack so people don't think im a murderer or something!

Gregory POV

I don't get played enough for this shit! 

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now