Cassie knows...

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Cassie POV

Gregory is a lot less social with other people sense he started dating Evan. There are only two reasons 1. Because this is his first relationship and she doesn't want to ruin it or  2. He wants to be alone. But Evan is also acting weird, he never talk with anyone but Gregory at school and then also he's been pretty chill about kids at our school dying. I hate to say it but im concerned for Gregory's safety and im getting scared of Evan. 

Luckily im close with Lizzy and then when I called her about it she said that Evan is kinda off but I knew she was hiding something from me. When I got to school I left Gregory to go converse with his boyfriend and I walked up to a mean and entitled student "Hey, I will give you 200 bucks if you rizz up my brother!" I say and see agrees, what a dumbass. So she goes and tries to rizz up Gregory but Gregory pushes her away and Evan looks pissed. After that we head to class, luckily, me and Evan has the same class and I watch him aggressively writing. 

He accidentally smacked his glasses off his face and tried to find them, the teacher let him look for his glasses even though he can't see without them. I take a picture of the necklace he's wearing and then looked at it up close. It's the same necklace Gregory bought awhile ago! I guess he got it for him. I notice that he gets lost in drawings easily and that his friends watch a bunch of murder mysteries and tell him about it. I should probably stop stalking him, maybe ill check on him after school. I will watch him while if he hangs out. I text Lizzy and she told me that she is kinda scared of Evan too.

Time Skip : After School

I tell Gregory that ill meet him when he gets home. I see Evan talking to the same girl I told to rizz up Gregory and she seems to be with him. After that I see Evan talking with his big brother on the phone 

E: I just don't get it

M: its alright Ev

E: But she had some nerve to say that tho

M: She didn't

E: Mike I gotta go

M: Bye

Evan hung up and walked to the girls house and I hear screaming and he comes put like nothing ever happened. I walk into the house and almost faint as I see the red all over the floor...Is Evan a...killer? No, he couldn't be...right?

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now