M-My Little Brother Is A Murderer?!

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This Chapter is dedicated to @gregevan233445 and @Cutebabyfox17 and @NaMidAW31rdc0r3 because y'all deserve the respect for making me laugh reading your comments so here's some free drama

(Time skip Evan is out of the hospital and he can talk again!)

Elizabeth POV

It's been awhile since Michael has been gone after he graduated college and I think this has affected Evan severely. He's more independent than usual, he only talks to mom, me and his boyfriend. The school shooting too messed him up too. I love my little brother and that's why im scared Gor him. There are murders happening at his school, there was just a shooting at his school. He's not safe. I know that mom is stressed out bit she lies to us and says that she's okay. We both hear her crying at night and I just feel bad for her. We both do, me and Evan. 

I hear him watching the news in his room and I just feel bad for him. He comes out the room and says that he's going out to get some snacks. After he walks out I quietly follow him to make sure that he's safe, he stops at this big old house and then knocks on the door. I see him go in so I peak in through the window and watch him murder someone! My little brother just KILLED someone. I run home as fast as I can in fear and then I sit down trying to figure out what the fuck I just saw. I leave a note in Evans room saying 'I know what you did Ev - Lizzy' and wait for him. I'll never see Evan the same again... He reads the note and just laughs like its the funniest joke on earth.... I think he's really lost it! I text Gregory but he doesn't reply to me.

Evan POV

It's been like 5 days sense I've been out of the hospital and I have just watches the news to see who the Hell put a bullet in my leg and traumatized me. After I figure it out I take out my notebook and start drawing Gregory because honestly I need help. Thinking about that I yeet a notification from my phone with some survey that is talking about are you a psychopath? Damn even my phone thinks im crazy. I open it and do it so I can see what results are and for sure it says im a psychopath. I shrug it off with a smile "I don't fucking care!" I giggle to myself and I start reading my book about unsolved murder cases and what the murders did. I'm never trying these but its good to have some backup ideas if one doesn't work. 

After reading a few chapters I get bored and then look at the picture of our school shooter. I get up and get my crutch as I go to walk to his house. I walk past Lizzy and I tell her ima get some snacks because I actually could get me some hot Cheetos right now. She nods and I walk out the house. I keep walking for awhile till I found his house. Again don't ask how I found this house just know that I found it. I knock on the door and the guy opens it. I tell him that im a lost child and he lets me in his house. I hear screaming from the basement and I just don't like the vibe of his place. Wait, no ew ew ew ew ew! He has sex toys out on the table-  im gonna be sick, but I have a mission and I have to stick with it! I walk up behind the man with his big knife I just stole from his kitchen and stab him many times. 

After he's dead I turn around and go to the basement to investigate the screams like the dumbass I am. When I get down there I see a girl about 9 crying and then she looks and and runs up to me but doesn't hug me because I have a crutch. Who is she? "Hi little girl, what are you doing down here?" I ask and she looked down "Daddy locks me down here all the time and he said tonight would be a fun night for me because we are gonna have sex...I dunno what that is but I don't like it!" I pick up the girl with my good hand and take the girl home. I tell mom that I found her in the basement of someone's house and mom says "Oh dear, come here honey!" The little girl walks away with mom and I smile, im happy for that girl. 

I go up to my room and then I eat my hot Cheetos. I see a note on my bed and it says 'I know what you did Evan - Lizzy' I smile at it "Hello Lizzy!" I say and turn to face her. She was freaking out but I was just laughing at her. She looked terrified that I was laughing and not scared that she would turn me in to the police. thats the thing. I never leave evidence that I committed a murder. Lizzy glares at me "Why'd you kill innocent people?!" I sigh "Girl I just killed our school shooter and he's a child molester that boy is not innocent" I say lizzy nods "Fair point nut still" I get up and walk over to her "You say anything and I will stab you" Elizabeth nods and I sit down with a smile as she runs out of the room and I giggle like the psycho I am. Mom comes into.my room with the girl and says "I checked her and she's okay but we are keeping her here" I nod and hug the little girl. She looks down at my .leg and says "What happened? Is it broken?" I sigh and reply "Your dad did that." She hugs me tighter "Im sorry!" I smile at her and say "Its alright..." 

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now