Oh, You Like Prank Calls? You Should Call 911 Before You Lose Your Life~

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Evans POV (Evan's POV only, which means more murder...yay)

I was thinking about what Gregory asked me yesterday but he told me that it was a prank call. I fucking highly doubt that it was. Im gonna find this person and kill them for having some nerve to scare Cassie and Gregory like that. I pase around my room and think about what to do. I take out my phone and find this Tik Tok girl who does prank calls. I scroll through her Tik Tok and see a post she made called 'Prank calling kid at my school!' I click on it and I immediately know its Gregory. He loves to play with prank callers, that's why he said we worked for Duolingo. I go into her dms and text her

•CryingChild• : Hi

PrankCallsGirl: Hai! How may I help you!

•CryingChild• : Wanna do a prank call together?

PrankCallsGirl: Sure! My address is **** on star lane, oh don't forget to bring props so it sounds realistic! 

•CryingChild• : Alrighty! See you❤

I cringe that the heart emoji I put, ew im never doing that again. What a dumbass though... Who just openly gives out their address? I mean you are low-key asking to die ma'm. I can't with some of these people. I come to her house a bit late at night and knock on the door. The girl opens it "Hello!" She smiles and invites me in, this girl is weird. She has troom troom on her TV and a whole bunch of posters with cringey ass shit on them. She holds up her phone "Ready to start?" She asks and I nod. Just as she walked over to me I take out my knife and she backs up "Woah! You almost hit me!  Hehe he careful with that prop. I shake my head and stab her " Why the fuck would you do that! " she screamed as she fell onto the floor. I pick up her phone and watch Jer bleed out onto the floor "What is wrong with you you psycho!" I knelt down next to her and said "You like prank calls? you should call 911 before you lose your life~" I put the phone in front of her and walked away. Just as she put in 911 she dies, I literally did nothing, that bitch bleed to death. Kinda a skill issue if you ask me. I'm glad that Cassie no longer has to worry for her life and that Gregory's my super hot boyfriend. I make it look like she committed suicide and then I leave the house. I walk back in and take up her phone 


Operator Lady: 911 What's your emergency?

Evan: I came over to this girls house to flim a Tik Tok and when I came in the house she was dead... I think she killed herself... Please come

Operator Lady: Don't worry, we'll send the police and a ambulance.

Why is that woman a dumbass. I leave the house and walk down street. I see police cars and ambulance lights far away from were I am and I continue walking. I get home to see mom waiting for me "Ev, are you alright...? You've been leaving a lot lately" I nod "Exploring a new world" I say with a shrug. Mom stands up "I know when my son is in love~" I blush and reply "Mami! Shut up!" Mom giggles "You remind me of your father when his mom found out he liked me" I don't know if that was a complement or a insult. I go upstairs to my room and I notice the necklace Gregory gave me glows in the dark.

That's fucking amazing! I turn on the bedroom light and then go into the bathroom I look in the mirror and I see something on my neck

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That's fucking amazing! I turn on the bedroom light and then go into the bathroom I look in the mirror and I see something on my neck.... My face flushes red in embarrassment. Did Gregory....

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now