Okay what the?!

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(I just saw the FNAF movie yesterday, it was amazing😊 The best part is CoryxKenshin tho and every single time they came near Springlocks it scared me)

Evan POV

I hate mornings.... What the fuck?! Why does my chest feel "HOLY SHIT-!" I screamed and Lizzy came in the room "Ev! What happened- WHAT THE HELL?" I slowly took out my phone and opened the camera. I had long hair and... Those if you know what I mean... I turned into a girl?! I start freaking out "What do I do?!" I ask and Lizzy shrugs "How'd this happen in the first place?" I shrug "I don't know!" Lizzy leaves and comes back "Here, first off put this on and then put this on" I look at it "What the hell is that?" Elizabeth sighs "A bra dumbass..." I sigh "Underline the fact that I know nothing about girls in that kinda way" Elizabeth rolls her eyes "Just put it on..." I sigh and put it on with help from her "Great!" I let out a loud sigh "Its so fucking tight!" She nods "Because you have big ass tits." My face turns red "Lizzy!" I say while covering my face in embarrassment "Calm down, you get it from mom. Now put these on and ill be right back" she says ans walks out the room. 

I change into what she wants me to wear. Stand in the mirror and blush "Oh my..." I say under my breath and fix my glasses. Lizzy comes back in and I say "Uh Lizzy, this is kinda..." She giggled "Thats just because your not used to wearing this stuff" I nod and put on my jacket. Elizabeth grabs my phone and then says  " Evan you need a girl name...Eva!" I like that name. I nod and then lizzy says "Don't kill anyone." I smile "No promises!" I walk out the door and look at myself with my phone camera. One thing is that my lips have been naturally red sense like forever so it looks like in wearing lipstick but im not. I walk to school and then I see Gregory. I run up to him and say "Greg...I need help!" He looks at me "Do I know you?" I sigh "Its me Evan!" I sigh and hug him "What the hell happened to you?!" I shrug "I have no idea!" He sighs and says "I am so confused..." I see his face redden again and I blush slightly "S-Sorry!!" I back up and look down. I move my hair from my face and then my glasses fall off. I bend down to pick it up and I hear a boy say "Damn, the new girl has an ass!" I immediately stand up and then look at Gregory. He nods and I try my best to shrug it off. 

The bell rings and I walk to class. So far so good. I sit down and wave to Ms. Nia  she waves and has me do my worst fear...Everyone gets into their seats and im standing up front. She smiles and says "Class, meet Eva! Our new student!" I hate this.... I hate this... I think im gonna pass out... Holy Shit....I wave and then quickly sit back down. Why are they staring at me...? Damn it.

I am so sleepy right now, too bad it's lunch and I have so much other shit to do😭

Gregory POV

I am simply mindin my business when a girl comes up to me. "Greg! I need help!" I have no damn idea who this is. I ask and then she says "It's me! Evan!" Wait what?! Evan- a girl? "In so confused..." Q say and she nods, low-key Evan as a girl is kinda sexy...Okay what the hall am I thinking- She blushes and let's go of he "S-Sorry!" I think about it and then try my best to ignore what the hell just happened, however badass murder woman doesn't sound bad. She drops her glasses and when she picks them up some fucking random ass boy says "Damn! The new girl has an ass!" I look at her, frying to calm her down and she just nods. I have a terrible feeling about the rest of this....

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now