Cute To Bloody

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Gregory POV

Alright so I think I still have my liver. I'm tired as fuck and its a school day so lemme get ready before I become late or some shit. I get ready and say hi to mom and Cassie. She looks stressed out about something. I sit next to her and look at her phone. Another damn murder at school. Fuck Evan calm down! 

I sigh and we walk to school together. I see Evan walking by himself, as usual. But he seems to manage himself pretty well. Me and Cassie stop to get some boba and then continue off to school. 

By the tome we get to school its still early. Evans drawing his horny shit in  that notebook again. I finally sneak up behind him and see what he's drawing. My face flushes red and I say "H-Hi Ev!" He looks startled, closes his notebook and says "Hello!" We both just have a awkward moment of silence until he says "How are you doing today love?" I smile "Im alright love thats for asking..Still checking if I have my liver tho- I still think your gonna steal it from me in my sleep." 

He giggles with his cute little laugh "You think I would steal your liver!?!" I nod and he looks offended and then we both start laughing because we sounded so dumb "Your laugh is so cute!" Evans face to turn red and I smirk "Laugh more!" I say as I start to tickle him because he is ticklish as hell "Oh my god! Gregory fuck you!" He threatened me as he laughed. Oh my god he is so damn sensitive-. Okay ima let him breathe. I stop and he glares at me "I will stab you bitch!" Evan said and then I kissed him. That'll shut him up for awhile. The bell rings and I get up and go to class. 

Its about the middle of class when I go to use the bathroom. I go into the bathroom and see my good friend Nathaniel (Soul of Nightmare from FNAF 4) he was fixing his hair because its not too long but long enough to were he puts it in a small ponytail. I look at his outfit. He has on a sleeveless black turtle next, ripped jeans and his favorite black hoodie tied around his waist. Just then I hear a bang "What the fuck was that?" Nathaniel says and I shrug. 

The banging keeps continuing and then Nathaniel takes my hand and runs into a stall with me. He is almost in tears. I try to figure it out and then I realize that it was a school shooter. We fear footsteps of three people running unto the bathroom and getting into a stall. Me and Nathaniel stay quiet so we can see who it is "Thank god we were able to run away!" I hear a overly familiar voice say "Oh no, he shoot you! Quick use the toilet paper to stop the bleeding! Does it hurt?" I then hear the third voice say "K-Kinda..." Holy shit Evan got shot! But whose the third person with him?! I know one is Cassie but who's the other. 

I say "Cass?" Cassie replies "Oh thank god! The shooter came into our class and shot Evan!" I sigh and Nathaniel says "Is Fredrick okay?!" Fredrick is Nathaniel's boyfriend~ he is in the same class as Cassie and Evan. I hear a stall door open and I see two black shoes walking. Its just that weird kid with them. She calmly says "Alright, im gonna do my best sneaking and put a out if order sign in the door so they don't come in. I reply yes and then I hear more gunshots the second the door is open. It goes silent and then the girl finally Says "I did it!" We all just hang out there for hours. We need to get Ev to the hospital and get him some help but we can't. I learned the the other girls name is Cassidy. She's one of Evans childhood friends and he moms a doctor so its good to have her with us. Cassidy helps even to sit on the floor as he starts to cry, shit that must've hurt....We all sit down in the middle of the floor and I try to call someone to help us. 

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now