The Day Color Entered My Life

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Still Evans POV

When I wake up im in a hospital room and there was a bandaid arm as if I got s shot, but this isn't what I think it is... Its...dads science lab thingy. Some guy enters the room to help me out the bed "You have been asleep for awhile" he says with a sigh. I look at my arm again "Why'd you do to my arm?" I ask and the guy replies "It's a untested thing but it saved your life" I thank this guy and I leave. When im walking I don't accidentally run into a boy"Ow!" He says as he stands up "Oh my gosh im so sorry!" I say as I stand up too. He smiles "Its alright! The names Gregory, im new around here." He's also very hot...Evan what are you thinking?! He tilts his head" Hello?" I blush and reply "M-My name is Evan" he giggles.... I guess he noticed me blushing "Well ill see you around!" I feel something... A new emotion... Love... I think about him as I walk home. Mom smiles "Hey Evan, ¿cómo estuvo tu día?" I shrug "Normal y aburrido, como siempre" she sighs "Alright then..." I go upstairs and start drawing that Gregory kid. He's amazing hair.. His pretty eyes....He's so hot...This is embarrassing....

Gregory POV

Me, Cassie and our adoptive mom moved to this city because It had good education.Mom said we could go explore the city so I went to go check out the park and the stores. As I was walking back a boy ran into me. boy"Ow!" I say as I stand up, damn that hurt "Oh my gosh im so sorry!" Is boy says as he stands up too. I smile at him "Its alright! The names Gregory, im new around here." The boy spaces out and I tilt my head in confusion " Hello?" ! Say as he snaps out of his day dream. The boy blushes and replies "M-My name is Evan" I giggle a bit because his reaction was kinda cuteI have to go though... Shit "Well ill see you around!" I say as I walk away.Still thinking about him

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now