Blood On The Wall And The Giggle Of A Murderer

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Still Evans POV

I wake up at 12:00 am and looked around... Gregory went back to his room- ah shit! I moved my hand off my leg and see bandages around the part of my leg were the scar was... Im pretty sure Gregory did it... I feel myself blush as I stare at the bandages... Wait- did he..? Evan! Think normal thoughts!  I get up and it hurts to walk, but I can manage. Im gonna make that guy pay for what he did to me and to Gregory...After a few minutes I find the guy house. Don't ask how just know I know. I walk to his house and see if the door is locked, nope bro is asking to get robbed or something. I pick up a sword "Who the fuck keeps a sword in their house..?" I finally say under my breath. The same guy is sitting on his couch. I slowly creep up behind him "Long time no see..." the guy says. I stop in my tracks as he turns around. He steps closer to me and puts his hand on my face "You've come back for more~" Eww no, if you were Gregory and in my age group I wouldn't mind but ew just ew. I smile and then say "No, you are messed up" I stab the guy so hard he falls and the sword gets stuck in the floor. I pick up a knife and start stabbing him. But I don't feel joy, it's anger... For what he fucking did... I go upstairs and look for something, I find that his wife has a special knife in her room. I take her dress which has he DNA then I stab the man once more. Once he is dead I smile and look at the blood on my hands. After getting rid of any evidence that I killed him. I giggle and take out my phone, time to play victim~


Operator Lady: 911 What's your emergency?

Evan: I heard the neighbors fighting, it got really loud and it scared and then suddenly I heard the man screaming and then it went silent.

Operator Lady: Alright we'll send the police and a ambulance.

I stand there as I wait for the police. They show up and arrest the guys wife and then leave. I smile as I walk back to Gregory's house and lay leg hurts so much... Help😭

Gregory's POV

I leave Evan too sleep and I go back to my room. I can't fucking sleep, I keep thinking about Evan. Damn it, I want to go check on him but that would be awkward if I do. I hear the door open and close. When I get up I go downstairs to see what was going on. Evan was gone. I looked in any possible place he could be and I couldn't find him. There's no way he went back home without telling us. Thats bot something he would do. He's also been acting strange and seems to have no reaction to the fact ghat people at are school are getting killed. He also has started to watch more murder movies lately and laugh when a character died... I guess this calls for a bit of spying.

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now