Sitting In His Room For Too Long

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Elizabeth's POV

Something is off about Evan, he hasn't been the same after what happened at his school. He is more distant from us and will only talk to Michael. I peek into his room and I see him laying on his bed just staring at his arm. That must have hurt so much and now he has to look at that till it heals. His boyfriend visits and Evan won't talk to him either. I'm going to try and see if I can get Ev to talk about his feelings.I go into Evans room and I see him still staring at the scar. I sit on the bed "Hey Evy, how are you feeling?" He shrugs and tears up "Come here gimme a hug" I hug him and he smiles. That's the first time I have seen him smile in a long time. 

He looked at me and his eyes were red "am I really a crybaby..?" I shook my head and smiled. I then noticed the necklace he was wearing "Omg this is cute! Where'd you buy it?" I ask and he blushes "G-Gregory gave it to me." 

I smiled and then I see something else "Evy...Are you a Virgin still?" He nods "Yes, yes I am. Now why are you asking me this?" I tell him to tilt his head "I was just wondering because there a...A mark...on your neck" he blushes "Y-Yeah me and Michael talked about it" omg did Evan and his boyfriend make out already?! And didn't tell me?! He smiled "D-Dont ask what happened just know that he did that." Evan says patting me on the back. I just smile at him.

Evan's POV

It's been awhile huh. I just finished talking with lizzy and I am so embarrassed. My face is all red and I can't think straight, well that's probably because im gay not straight. But still!

I walked into my class and everyone started whispering about me and I sigh "I can hear you guys you know that right?" They try to act like nothing happened and I see that same old brat who did this to me. I hold him that a girl wanted to meet him in the garden and he showed up. That's when I killed him and put him with the compost. You can't get mad im helping out the earth. 

After school me and Gregory decide to hangout at my house. The only thing is that mom isn't home. Me and Gregory talk for awhile until I start staring at my wrist again. Its written so big that you can't ignore it.Gregory hugs me "Remember love, it's not true he's just some bitch with no father figure" I giggle "You can't say that!" Gregory smiled "Says who!" I sigh and shake my head.

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now