School Murder?!

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Gregory POV

I was up to hear mom and Cassie downstairs, guess I got up late. When I go down stairs my mom looks sad and Cassie looks terrified "Mom is everything okay?" Mom turns around and says "Honey, they closed the school for today because.... Two students were murdered yesterday" Cassie looks down and I hug her "its alright" she smiles and I smiled back "Hey, can we go to the park?" Mom nods and I go back upstairs to get ready for the day, I do the basics and put on some jeans and a white shirt because, im fucking bored so why not. I come back downstairs then me and Cassie head to the the park. Cassie can be sort of a detective sometimes so on the way we talked about the murder "I mean, it couldn't have happened at school because the janitors check everything and they didn't see a murder" I say and Cassie nods "They said they were murdered in their homes" Cassie says as she takes out her phone. We reach the park and I see a bunch of 7 year olds running around. Cassie puts her phone away "Yo, ima go to the restaurant 5 blocks from here. You want anything?" I think about it "Uh, lemme get a burrito" Cassie nods " Gotcha" I sit down on a bench and the girl from my math class, Sarah shows up "Oh! Hi Gregory! I didn't expect to see you here" she says blushing a bit, she's sorta a pick me though. She it's next to me and looks around "Is your sister here?" I shake my head "Nope, but she'll be back in like 13 minutes. Sarah moves closer to me" Can...we be friends..?" I nod because I literally only had one friend and thats Evan. She gets up and says "I gotta go...see you at school tomorrow!" She waves and runs off. Cassie then comes back and sits next to me "Why was that line so fucking long-" I shrug and we eat our food and scroll through memes. Just then Cassie looks up from her phone and says "Hey Greg isn't that your friend?" I see Evan talking with some girl and a boy taller than both of them. I notice Evan looked over here and waved "Hey Evan!" I call back and the other to people with him look at me and then Evan at Evan in confusion. They seem to shrug it off though. We eventually decided to go home because a group of 7 year olds started throwing frisbees at us.

Next day babies (Still Greg's POV)

I get up and check my phone. Time for school... Yay. I go into Cassie's room and see her doing her makeup so I left and get ready for school. I later meet Cassie then we start are walk to school. When we get too school I don't see Evan anywhere, that murder case probably scared the living day light out of him. Sarah approaches me and hugs me "Hey Gregory!" That is new for a friend to just straight up hug me. She finally lets go of me and says "Its so good to see you, honestly I wasn't going to even go to school because that murder case scared me so much..." I feel bad for her and I pat her on the back. She smiles at me and I return the smile. I look for Evan but he's still not here.I guess Sarah noticed me looking for him and asked "Who are you looking for?" I reply "Im looking for Evan" she looked at me in annoyance "He probably isn't here, that baby would faint at the sight of blood" she said it in some rude annoying tone. I Made up an excuse that my library book was due today and I left. God save me from that bitch- The bell rang amd I headed off to class, to bad Sarah is in my class😭

(You really think im writing about their classes hm? In the name in the name of Pavitr Prabhkar I am not writing it)

Lunch time (Bring your own school food if you can- my school has food poisoning-)

I still don't see Evan, however everyone I talk to says he's here today. I sit with Sarah and her friends. Sarah keeps pulling some weird stuff, she put her head on my shoulder, she hugs me alot in front of her friends and she acts like we are fucking dating. I then notice Evan, I guess he doesn't sit at the tables anymore... He is drawing something again "Hey Evan" I say and he closed his book "D-Dont scare me like that!" We laugh and joke around until the bell rings.

After school

After school is over me and Cassie go to get boba. As we are leaving we see police cars race by us and screams as kids ran out of the school. Cassie takes out her phone and we both get as close as we can without being spotted to hear what they are talking about. Cassie looks at me in shock and I return the look "A girl was pushed into the oven and baked alive..." One of the officers say as a ambulance pull up. I see Evan walking out of the school in confusion. He sees us and walks over "W-What happened?" He said in a quiet voice. We explained to him what we heard and he nodded, he's thinking about it. We then walk Evan home because he's to scared to go home by himself "Im Cassie nice to meet you" Cassie says trying to start a conversation with Evan. He shakes her hand and days "You must be Gregory's sister, nice to meet you too" how'd he know we are siblings? I think its the vibe we give off. We reach Evans house and he waves goodbye. Suddenly he he runs up and hugs me. His face was completely red and then he runs into his house "He makes me think of the NewJeans song 'Super Shy' " Cassie says and I laugh "That's crazy-"

Evans POV

I wake up to lizzy gently pushing me. She smiles as I open my one blue eye, I have heterochromia so one eye is blue and the other is green. I sit up and look at her "What is it?" She sighs and says "Two boys that went were killed yesterday so you can't go to school today" I get up and get ready for the day and then I went downstairs with lizzy. Michael was sitting down and watching 'Ravens Home' (Im sorry but y'all who haven't watched Ravens home are missing out) he gets up says "Hey Ev, sorry about what happened at your school... Maybe we can go to the park to get it off your mind" I didnt even care they died in the first place- I killed them! They cut Gregory! I don't say anything, I just nod. We all walk to the park nd Michael talks about how working at Starbucks is the worst because there are so many Karen's. We chill at the park and Michael plays. Soccer game with some random little kids. Michael is such a nice guy. I look around and see Gregory sitting with some girl. My next victim. I try to make out who she is and I figure out she's Sarah, the girl from my PE class. She's super mean. We stay at the park till like 5pm then we go back home. Mom smiles "Did you have a fun time at the park?" We all say in sync "Yep" and go our own ways. Don't worry we always get back together at dinner. I up to my room and take out my out my notebook. Sarah won't expect her fate....

Next day (Crying bc in listening to CoryxKenshin singing the poppy playtime theme)

I get to school a bit earlier than usual. I sit behind a bush and I see Gregory and Sarah stand near it, I sit there because I need to collect info on Sarah. Sarah walks up to Gregory and hugs him, that bitch... "Hey Gregory!" She finally lets go of him and says "Its so good to see you, honestly I wasn't going to even go to school because that murder case scared me so much..." Gregory nods and pats her on the back. She smiles at him and he return the smile. I notice him  looking for someone .I guess Sarah noticed him looking for someone and asked "Who are you looking for?" Gregory replies "Im looking for Evan" Oh my gosh, he's looking for me... I feel myself blush and she looked at him in annoyance "He probably isn't here, that baby would faint at the sight of blood" she said it in some rude annoying tone, oh no she didn't just start talking smack about me. Gregory says something to her and then he leaves.


I see Gregory sit with Sarah and her friends. Sarah keeps pulling some weird stuff, she put her head on Gregory's shoulder, she hugs him alot in front of her friends and she acts like they are fucking dating. I ignore it and continue drawing "Hey Evan" Gregory says and I closed my book "D-Dont scare me like that!" I say, im sorry but my life flashed before my eyes. We laugh and joke around until the bell rings, Gregory is so hot.

After school

I see all the other girls leave and Sarah is alone... Good. I slowly walk in so she doesn't hear me and close the door. The oven was already preheated so I came up behind her and picked her up "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" she screamed as I threw her into the oven and closed it. I listen to her screams in pain. I turn on the oven light so everyone else gets a view. I giggle a bit as I watch her cook. Then it got nasty so I left. About 3 minutes later I hear screaming, crying, and running ad kids flee the school. I hear police sirens and the ambulance. Luckily I got rid of any possible evidence and I have been gone from the crime scene, I've been seen by other kids here soo...I walk out of the school in confusion, why all this for ONE dead person. I see Gregory and his sister and I walk over "W-What happened?" I say in a quiet voice, even though I already know what happened. They explained to me what the heard and I nodded, these are some weird ass cops. I asked Gregory ifhe can walk me home home because I'm to 'scared to go home by himself' "Im Cassie nice to meet you" Cassie says trying to start a conversation with me, she's nice! I shakes her hand and say "You must be Gregory's sister, nice to meet you too" They seemed shocked that I know they are siblings... They act like siblings tho-. We reach my house and I wave goodbye. I just run up and hug him, I love this man so much. I could feel my face was completely red and then I run into my house, why'd I do that!

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now