Crybaby Carved On My Arm With Blood

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Gregory's POV

It's so weird knowing that your lover is a murderer. I mean weird as hell. Im sleeping and I wake up and pick it up "Hello..?" I say "Oh Hi! I just wanted to ask if you still have a liver" Evan wtf- "Yes Ev, I have my liver still... Why-" I and and he stays silent and then says "Just checking!" I should check if my liver is there everyday.

I walk to school with Cassie and we  talk about a recent murder case "Hey did you hear a Tik Tok was killed yesterday?" Cassie says as she check the notifications on her phone "What's her name?" I and and she shrugs "Some girl named PrankCallsGirl" we both look at her Tik Tok account and watch the videos "Nope, she's new" Cassie says until we find a video...

'Prank Calling The New Kid' video by @PrankCallsGirl

"What's up callers! This is PrankCallsGirl and today we are doing something super special, we are prank calling one of the new kids at my school! Lets go!"


PrankCallsGirl: Hello, Gregory

G: Im sorry but Gregory isn't available right now. Maybe you should call back after 5:00 to get a hold of him, how may I help you tonight sir?

PrankCallsGirl: Im gonna kill your sister, Cassie isn't it?

G: Uhm, im sorry but your calling the Duolingo help center

PrankCallsGirl: wait I am?

G: Yes.

PrankCallsGirl: Holy shi-

"Guys I think his dad picked up his phone- well that was a big fail then. Thanks for watching! Bye" 

The video ended and we looked at each other "What the hell!" Cassie screams and I glare at the phone "What nasty thing to do" I say and Cassie nods "I didnt sleep for fucking 6 days that scared me so much" we both walked to school officially annoyed and we feel nothing for that bitch. We get to school and I wave to Cassie and she goes to hang out with her friends. Evans looks up at me and smiles. Im still scared for my liver "Hey Evan..?" I say and he smiles "Hi Greg" he says as he goes back to drawing. I sit down next to him "Whatcha drawing?" I ask him and his face turns red as he closes the book "N-Nothing!" I Am so confused. I tilt my head but decide to leave it alone. The bell rings and Evan gets up and kisses me on the cheek. He giggle as I blushes and turn away. Why is he cute but deadly!

Lunch my babies

I texted Evan I was coming to lunch late because I had something to do before lunch that would cut into it, it was some project that I had to turn in and I was explaining it to the teacher. I finally show up "Hey Coco" I say and he blushes "What did you call me?" I smiled and look down at him "You remind me of a coconut, A cute one" We get up and sit on the grass. We make bracelets out of daisies. I some guy walking towards us I say "Coco look out" but before he can react he was pinned to the floor by this boy, he was a lot bigger than me and Evan and he had brown hair and blue eyes. He smiled "Hello bitch" he says and he takes a knife and takes off Evans jacket "This won't hurt a bit" he says with a evil smirk. I want to help him but he has a knife and no one wants to get stabbed. I hear Evan screaming loudly and then it finally stops. He gets off Evan and he's just staring at his arm. He carved in his skin 'Crybaby' The boy laughs and so does most of the kids. Evans eyes turn black and he glares at the boy. He starts choking and Evan is just glaring at him. After a while the guy could breathe again and then he looks at Evan "Did you do that?" He asked. Evan smiles and he runs off out of fear. I had no idea Evan had powers. I helped Evan up and then hugged him close to me so he could understand that he is safe. He just kept staring at his arm "Evan do you wanna walk home with me and Cassie again?" He nods and I smiles.

Evans POV

I woke up to my alarm which was painfully loud. I did all my morning basics, y'all know what I mean. I decided to call Gregory "Hello..?" I say "Oh Hi! I just wanted to ask if you still have a liver" I say with a smile "Yes Ev, I have my liver still... Why-" He aks me and and I stay silent "Just checking!" I say and then hang up.I put on the necklace Gregory gave me and I blush "Omg he did!" Gregory gave me a fucking hickey! B-But when did he?! I scream and Michael comes in "What happened?!" I turn around and I guess he notices it too "Evan, you have a..." I nod "I know, Gregory did it" Michael giggles "I knew it was gonna happen eventually" he leaves my room. I put on my K-pop shirt, it was one of my favorite bands LE SSERAFIM (they wrote, ANTIFRAGILE, FEARLESS, UNFORGIVIEN, EVE PSYCHE AND THE BLUEBEARDS WIFE)

 I put on my K-pop shirt, it was one of my favorite bands LE SSERAFIM (they wrote, ANTIFRAGILE, FEARLESS, UNFORGIVIEN, EVE PSYCHE AND THE BLUEBEARDS WIFE)

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Michael and Lizzy took me to a LE SSERAFIM concert for my 14th birthday and the shirt used to be big on me. Now it fits. I walk to school by myself, as usual. I sit down next to a bush and start drawing random shit. I decide I'm going to draw Gregory. After I finished the drawing my face turned red, how did I draw such a lewd image of Gregory?! Just then Gregory walks up to me.

"Hey Evan..?" Gregory says and I smile "Hi Greg" I say as I retirrn to drawing. He sits down next to me "Whatcha drawing?" He asks me and my face turns red as I close the book "N-Nothing!" He tilts his head but decides to leave it alone. The bell rings and I get up and kiss Gregory on the cheek. I giggle as he blushes and turns away. I walk off to class.

Lunch my babies

Gregory texted me he was coming to lunch late because he had something to do before lunch that would cut into it. I kept to myself and then he finally showed up "Hey Coco" he says and I blush "What did you call me?" He smiled and look down at me "You remind me of a coconut, A cute one" fuck it he's already giving me nick names, I love him so much. We get up and sit on the grass. We make bracelets out of daisies. Gregory seems to be looking at something. Suddenly he says "Coco look out" he before I can react I was pinned to the floor by this boy, he was a lot bigger than me and he had brown hair and blue eyes. He smiled "Hello bitch" he says and he takes a knife and takes off my jacket, im so scared right now.. "This won't hurt a bit" he says with a evil smirk. I understand why Gregory or anyone isn't helping, they have a knife and if they get involved. They will probably get stabbed, so I forgive them for it. I just keep screaming loudly as I feel the knife aggressively pierce my skin. He gets off me and I stare at my arm. I can't move.... He carved in my skin 'Crybaby' tears fill my eyes as I watch blood drip from the y it hurts so much.... The boy laughs and so does most of the kids. My eyes turn black and I glare at the boy. He starts choking and I just glare at him. After a while I let him breathe again and then he looks at me "Did you do that?" He asked. I smile and he runs off out of fear. Gregory helped me up and then hugged me close to him. I just kept staring at my arm "Evan do you wanna walk home with me and Cassie again?" I nod and he smiles. After school I try to go to my room but mom stops me "Evan, let me see your arm" I hold out both arms and she looks like she was gonna cry "Who did this?" I didn't tell her just ran up to my room but then I noticed how I can levitate things in my room. I think that surgery or whatever when I was kidnapped did this. I lay down and cry myself to sleep

Evan asking for Gregory's liver be like:

I Would Kill For You | GREGVAN | TW: BLOOD/GORE + MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now