Chapter 7: The Master Sword

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Over the next day and a half, the group made their way to the Korok Forest where the Master Sword would be waiting. As they got closer and closer to their destination, Zelda started giving them more information about navigating the forest and such.

"It's said that only the Champion chosen by Hylia can navigate the forest, aka Link." She was saying. "I'm not quite sure how it works, but if anyone can figure it out, they can."

Revali rolled his eyes. "Link's sure getting a whole lot of credit for just pulling some fancy toy out of a rock."

Urbosa shot him a dirty look. "Sounds like someone's jealous."

"Nonsense!" Revali retorted, his feathers ruffling. "That would be asinine. Who would want to be that small and scrawny."

"Okay, let's all settle down." Daruk cut in, trying to calm them down. "Let's just be nice to Link, okay? It's not that hard."

Revali huffed and ignored him. Zelda shot a glance at Link, who was watching the ground as they walked. It almost made Revali wonder if he went too far.

Nonsense, they have to take some criticism. He thought to himself. Besides they probably hear it all the time, it probably doesn't affect them.


After a few more hours of traveling, the group came to a stop at the entrance of the Korok Forest. It was foggy, dense, and dark. The darkness already made it hard for Revali to see, but the fog made it even worse than usual. It gave him the chills to think of going to blind. What if they had to fight monsters?

"Alright." Zelda said, pulling a sheet of paper out of her bag. "(I had to bring the scroll itself because Purah is studying the Sheikah Slate. So don't break it). It says here that if you get lost in the forest, you'll wake up at the entrance for... some reason. Seems like there's more magic than science behind this... but Link is our guide so we just need to follow close behind them."

The group looked expectantly towards Link, who was staring off into the fog.

"Uh, Link?" Mipha asked softly. "Are you alright."

Their ears perked up and they turned around. They signed to Zelda.

"They said that they got lost in thought." Zelda said with a smile. "And that they think they know how to navigate the forest." She turned towards them. "Lead the way, Link."

The knight nodded, turned around, and began walking through the fog. Thanks to a lantern Zelda thought to bring along, it helped Revali see better. From the way the Hylian's ears were moving, it looked like they were listening to something... Revali didn't realize the Hylians could move their ears. He'd never seen Zelda do it, so maybe it was just Link that could. A little bit of walking led to the group coming to a path past the tall, steep hills that surrounded the forest. Pillars of trees led along the path, and the fog became less dense. Link walked through the pathway, and the others quietly followed. They seemed to know what they were doing. As they came to a clearing, the four champions and the princess gasped. It was surrounded by a lush forest with a huge tree behind a stone slab. A sword stuck up from the middle of it. Little creatures with leaf masks peered out from behind branches, tree trunks, and bushes at the group. The large tree began cracking, and- A FACE APPEARED IN IT'S TRUNK?!

"What the-" Revali whispered, eyes wide.

It took a lot to shake the Rito, but this was certainly weird.

The tree "looked" down at the group.

"Ah, it seems that the ancient hero has found the Master Sword at last." The tree said. "I am the Great Deku Tree, I have been here time and time again when your reincarnations pulled this very sword from its pedestal. If you wish to pull this sword, it'll test your strength to see if you have what it takes to wield it."

Revali rolled his eyes a little. This felt kinda overkill, but whatever. He watched as Link walked up to the sword and grabbed the hilt, and light exploded under their hands. They stood strong and pulled at the sword, and it started slipping out of the rock. As Link pulled it out of the rock, it glowed as they held it in the air for a moment. Revali noticed their hand shaking- did the magical sword really sap that much energy. Link put it in the sheath and looked up at the Great Deku Tree, who looked pleased- well as pleased as a tree could look.

"I had no doubts." He said, smiling. "Well done, young knight. Bring honor to Hyrule."

Link bowed to the tree, and as soon as it began, it was over. The group walked out of the forest, talking about what had happened excitedly as Link trailed behind. Zelda looked back at them.

"Link, are you alright?" She asked.

Link smiled a little and signed something to her. She translated it.

"They said that since the sword was magical it sapped their energy quite a bit." Zelda spoke, turning back towards the others. "But they said they'd be fine."

Revali looked back at the knight. He didn't buy it, but he also didn't really care. Or did he? 


Maybe just a little.

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