Chapter 1 - A New Journey

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Link yawned as they sat up in bed, stretching. It was still very early in the morning, at the crack of dawn in fact, but that was a normal schedule for the knight. they swung their bare feet over the edge of their bed, feeling the warm wooden floor underneath them. As they got dressed, putting on a pair of trousers and the champions tunic, they thought about the day ahead.

They already knew what they would be doing today; they would be meeting with King Rhoam and his daughter, Princess Zelda, about assembling the champions to pilot the Divine Beasts. Around a year ago, when Link was just appointed as Zelda's knight, some of the Sheikas had discovered scrolls about ancient machinery called the Divine Beasts, designed to help the Princess and her Knight fight the Calamity when it rose every hundred years. The Sheikas had gone to the four corners of Hyrule and discovered the beats; a large bird for the Rita pilot, a Salamander of the Goron, a camel for the Gerudo Pilot, and elephant for the Zora pilot. Their pilots were called the Champions. Link was a champion too, but they didn't pilot a Divine Beast- they wielded (or would wield) the Master Sword. A ancient magical sword designed by the Goddess Hylia for the Princess' knight. 

Link was thrown out of their thoughts when they heard a knock on the door. To their surprise, they saw Impa there, with her little sister Purah.

"Hey there Linky!" Purah said, interrupting her sister. "We wanted to say hi before walking down to the council!"

Impa took a breath and gave her sister a look. "Purah, keep it down! People are still sleeping!"

Purah frowned and mumbled something inaudible. Impa smiled at Link. "King Rhoam and Zelda are already in the meeting room, so we just wanted to come and get you."

Link nodded, and the three made their way down to the meeting. Meanwhile, Link mentally chastises their self. They must've forgotten that Zelda was getting up earlier- it was their job to keep her safe! How did King Rhoam react when his daughter walked down there alone- Link looked up as Purah tapped them on the shoulder.

"I can practically hear your thoughts- Zelda was fine. King Rhoam went to get her. Jeez Linky, I know you're dedicated to your job, but she's not five- in fact, isn't she older than you?"

"By like a month." Link signed to her, rolling their eyes.

Purah sighs. "Her point is, she doesn't need to be babysat. I know the king is strict, but if I were you I'd care about Zelda's approval more than his."

Impa shushes her. "You can't say such things about the king of Hyrule, Purah. Now hurry up or we'll be late."

The three of them quickened their pace and made their way to the meeting room, where King Rhoam and Princess Zelda were sitting quietly and eating breakfast. Link took a seat next to the princess. She offered a smile and they waved a little in reply. Link wasn't all that great with communication, and sometimes Zelda found it rather frustrating... but there were different things to worry about.

"Now that we're all here, we can start." King Rhoam said. "Zelda and I were discussing plans on travel for finding the Divine Beast pilots. I have already sent letters to the Rito, Gerudo, Zoras, and Goros about hand picking their best warrior so that they're ready for you two by the time you arrive. We have to get to training and planning for Ganon as soon as possible."

An uncomfortable silence hung in the air. The constant reminder of the stakes, the burden on the two teens shoulder, was getting tiring. Link glanced at Zelda, who was staring at the table. She was especially under an unnecessary pressure to unlock her powers. Impa cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"Are we going to explain how to pilot the beasts before or after we get the champions here?" She asked.

Zelda spoke up. "I think it would be easier to explain to it to them all at once than having to go over it four different times."

King Rhoam nodded. "I agree." He looked back at the group. "Zelda and I have decided that she and Link will leave this evening and start on their way to the Zora Domain."

"If I may ask, your majesty," Purah voiced. "But will it be safe for Link and the princess to leave in the evening? What about all the monster sitings?" 

"I have no doubt that the young knight will keep my daughter safe."

Link felt a burst of warmth and pride. They weren't used to much praise, and especially coming from the king, that was an honor. Meanwhile Zelda look disheartened. Link's joy was quickly replaced by guilt. Why was a father praising them more than his own daughter? 

"Link? Earth to Link!" Purah said, snapping her fingers. "Did you get all that."

"Sorry, I zoned out." They signed. Purah smiled.

"We were just saying that after Zora's domain, you should go to the Goros, then the Ritos, and then Gerudo town so that your journey is as quick as possible."

Link nodded and forced a small smile, giving the group a thumbs up. Zelda smiled, more genuinely, excited for the journey. Her father wouldn't be pressuring her for a whole week! And she could study all the plants... She rambled on about this to Link as they walked to her study.

"Aren't you excited Link?" She asked.

Link nodded quietly, but their face was stone cold. Zelda crossed her arms.

"Hey, how come you never speak?" She asked. "Or rarely even smile? It's a little disheartening to people who talk to you..."

Link shrugged, trying to make it clear that they definitely, %100, did NOT want to have this conversation... Zelda seemed to get the point. She was much more in tune with social cues than Link ever was.

"Well, I'm going to go back. I suggest you do to." She said, seeming frustrated. 

As Link watched her walk away, the little pang of guilt started to come back...

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