Chapter 10 - In Which Trying to Work Together Goes Wrong

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While Revali had some newfound sympathy for Link, with his feeling that something wasn't quite right in their life, it didn't mean he liked them at all.

He just hated him less.

And his hatred towards everyone was especially fueled today, as Purah had rudely awakened all the Champions (except for Princess Zelda) to start training at the break of dawn. Revali was especially bitter because while it looked like the other Champions (Daruk in particular) were struggling with this sudden shove into their new schedule, Link looked pretty okay about it. They stood there quietly, as per damn usual, their eyebags looking no darker than usual. 

Revali stood next to Link and surpassed a yawn as he grumbled to himself quietly, earning a head turn from Link.

The two made eye contact and Revali narrowed his eyes. "What're you looking at?" 

Link narrowed their eyes in return and rolled them, signing something Revali couldn't under yet again. He tensed up and snapped a little.

"Can you just talk once in your damn life?! Nobody knows what you're trying to say!" He yelled, his eyes narrowing.

This earned a few looks from the other Champions, Urbosa in particular, who looked like she wanted to hit him over the head. Impah shot her a glance before clearing her throat.

"Okay... I know nobody likes the early mornings, but king's orders." She sighed, looking a little tired herself despite all her composure. "Before we start on anything, we need to work on your guys'... eh... "team spirit", per se. While you're all strong and capable on your own, as corny as it sounds, you'll be stronger as a united front. Plus, when the Hylians and other races see their heroes, it'll give them more peace of mind to see all their Champions working together harmoniously."

Revali scoffed and rolled his eyes. He hated the thought of getting too attached. "This is ridiculous. We'll be together to do what, fight Gannon, and then we'll all go our separate ways?"

Urbosa narrowed her eyes. "You really do have a brain the size of a robin, Mr. "High and Mighty". How do you think we'll defeat Gannon if we can't work together and form a solid plan?"

He tensed up and looked away, hating the way his feathers ruffled a little in embarrassment. She had a point, a really good one, and he hated it. Impah sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time since he'd met her.

"Okay, so our ongoing strategy for now is that when Gannon attacks, its safe to assume he'll be at the castle due to the images on the paintings, ruins, and tapestries." Impah explained. "So our first stage of attack will be the Guardians, as well as the Divine Beasts. You'll set their weapons to attack Gannon in the castle, while the Guardians will handle the dark forces outside. Meanwhile, Link," She gestured to the quiet knight. "Will be with Zelda at the castle to begin the fight with Gannon."

"Oh great, we're putting the fate of the world in the hands of the twinkish knight. How reassuring." Revali grumbled.

Link tensed up beside him, and he could see the twitch in their eye that almost made him feel a little bad for that comment. Only a little.

Impah refrained from commenting, but he could see the growing frustration on the other Champion's faces on behalf of Link.

"Anyways..." She sighed. "That's just the first part. In the second phase of attack, you all will make your way back with the castle to face Gannon with Link and Zelda head-on. Which means..." Impah walked over to a Guardian that had been sitting idly in the training court. She pressed a few buttons on the Sheikah slate and it slowly whirred to life.

"These beams won't hurt you much, just a slight sting, but your goal is to watch each other's backs. One shot, and you're out. So, just focus on watching each other's backs and trust someone will watch yours. Got it?"

The Champions begrudgingly nodded, and got into ready stances. Revali readied his bow, Mipha stood tall with her spear, Urbosa held her shield with a strong arm, and Daruk pounded his fists together. Link readied their sword and shield, narrowing their eyes.

How hard could this be?

Turns out, extremely difficult.

After what felt like the millionth round, Revali slouched, feeling hot and his muscles sore already, his feathers slightly singed from the beams from the Guardian. Link sighed and rolled their shoulders, their mouth slightly agape with heavy breathes. Revali could see them holding their arm a little awkwardly. Had they gotten hurt-?

Impah switched off the guardian and looked at the weary Champions, looking a little weary and frustrated herself. "Oh boy... we have a long way to go..."

"We noticed." Urbosa replied a little snappily, her jaw tensing. 

Mipha sighed, trying to diffuse the tension. "We're... we're trying. I-It's only the first day, right?"

"Sure it is!" Daruk grinned, hardly shaken, and pat her on the back, almost sending her flying forward. "We have lots of... time..."

His voice trailed off, and the others all glanced in different directions. They didn't have a lot of time, realistically, and as much as Revali hated it...

It was scary.

Terrifying, even.

Impah sighed and she smiled weakly. "You're correct Daruk... you all have time. And I admit, I may have pushed too hard on the first day." She shook her head lightly. "We'll pick this back up again, and try something else tomorrow... okay?"

Revali narrowed his eyes. He hated that she was talking to them like they were children, but he forced himself to nod his head. Then they were released, and he was the first on to go back to his room, and the whole way, he kept his eyes ahead as he tried to keep his rampant thoughts and anxiety in check.

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