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You and Pavitr are childhood friends, you guys tell each other everything and have always been stuck to the hip. You couldnt help but fall inlove with Pavitr tho, he was basically the best person you knew. Pavitr just so happens to start falling for the new transferee tho, which lesves you as the, ' second choice '.

Poorly written, not proofread, no hate to Gayatri.

― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ₍★₎ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

You and Pavitr are childhood friends. You guys were always doing things together, telling each other everything. He even told you he was Spider-Man. At first it was shocking but, you got used to it since you were the only person who knew he was Spider-Man. You got used to him saving you, patching him up, etc. Tho, a few days ago, there was a new student in your class. She was a transferee. You and Pavitr were signed up to give her a tour of the school, and you both agreed of course. And right now you were here beside the new transferee, learning her name ― Gayatri? Yep, Gayatri was her name. As you stood beside her on the right, while Pavitr was on her left side, you couldnt help but glance at Pavitr. You couldn't help but see the way he stared at Gayatri in awe of her beauty. He looked as if he was ― inlove. It was unusual but at first, you tried to shrug it off and continue the tour.

The staring didn't stop. He even held her hand . . does he like her now or something . . ? She's new, no way he could've already fallen for her ― . . " You thought as you quickly snapped back to reality and out of your thoughts when you felt Pavitr waver his hand in your face, trying to get you to snap out of your thoughts, which worked as you looked at Pavitr who was trying to tell you something important.

″ Yo, Y/n? Earth to Y/n? Hello?? ″ Pavitr spoke to you as he finally saw you turn to look at him while you guys sat down at a table in the cafeteria while you both had your lunches out already. ″ Yeah? Sorry, just ― thinking. ″ You quickly replied back to Pavitr as you looked at him and smiled as an indication that he can speak and you were listening. ″ You sure you're okay? Just making sure y'know. ″ Pavitr asked, clearly concerned and confused while he started eating his lunch and while i stared down on my lunch. ″ Yeah, you can continued talking again. I'm listening, promise. ″ You quickly replied back to Pavitr once again as you looked back over to Pavitr with the same smile as before as i pushed my lunch tray aside on the table. ″ If you say so, but, you know the new transferee? Gayatri was it? Yeah ― she's like, beautiful. Super, and i think i'm like ― falling for her. I mean, you think love at first sight exists right? This proves it Y/n! ″ Pavitr quickly spoke in a fact yet understamdable pace as his tone was a mixture of excitement and ― love?

Love at first sight ― what a joke. How has he already fallen for her? She's a transferee, she's new, and he doesnt even know her that well. ″ You thought as you listened to Pavitr ramble about how he think he's inlove with Gayatri. I rolled my eyes a few times but they were subtle enough for Pavitr not to notice as he hasnt even notice the growing irritation and annoyance on my expression while he continued to speak about Gayatri. ″ Why can't he notice me instead? We've known each other longer, we know each other well, and we're almost a perfect match. Almost. ″ You thought, as you continued to listen to Pavitr ramble and talk about Gayatris beauty, kindness, etc.

Now almost a month and a half had passed ever since Gayatri transferred to your school, and you had nothing against her. She was sweet, kind, beautiful, intelligent, etc. And you really didn't have anything to go against her but you still had that burning anger insjde you everytime you remember how Pavitr was planning to confess to her, already. You knew jealousy and anger weere ugly emotions but, you can't help it. You still feel both those ugly emotions. It was even started to get tiring listening to Pavitr talk about Gayatri and him confessing to her all over, again and again. As much as your feelings for Pavitr were strong, they werent strong enough to make you stop Pavitr from confessing to Gauatri so you were able to confess. Now you were here, sat infront of your childhood friend and his new, girlfriend.

He confessed, she said yes, they're together. ″ You thought as you stared at them both in both anger and the smallest bit of happiness for them both. ″ So he really chose her? Guess i wont be confessing anytime soon. ″ You thought as you held a love letter under the table of the lumch table you, Gayatri, and Pavitr sat down in while you forced a smile for both of them.

It honestly felt painful. To force a smile infront of your crush for years and his new girlfriend.Why couldn't it be me . . ? ″ You thought as you saw how Gayatri peppered small kisses all over Pavitrs face while he just blushed and smiled while he looked at Gayatri in that loving way that you've always wanted Pavitr to look at you with but yet, here he was, having that exact look for someone else. It honestly felt like a stabbed wound that you didn't bother to fix at all ― painful. It's painful, torturous, heartbreaking. You wanted to atleast sob, or shed a tear, or even just cry your eyes out or something, but you couldnt. You knew you couldnt. So your body prevented you to do it. Your body prevented you to even shed a single tear. So all you felt was just all the pain, inflicted right at your heart.

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