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You're a photographer who loves taking photos, especially of you boyfriend, Pavitr, in which you're currently showing your room to right now and albums filled with photos of him and you.

Not proofread, poorly written, short (i'm sorry i swear-)

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You decided to show Pavitr you room and your albums filled with photos of him, random views, you, or your dates together.

Right now, you were giving him a tour of your room as you had tons of polaroids of him or views, or you ,or your guys dates, stuck upon your wall or laid down down around you desk or your bed as their was a small album beside your bed, ontop of the nightstand.

After showing Pavitr around your room, in which he was amazed with on how .any polaroid photos you had and tons of fairy lights scattered around you room along with posters and stickers stuck upon the walls room aswell.

Yoi both eventually decided to settle onthe bed while you took the album from your night stand and then laid your head down on Pavitr shoulder as you opened the album and showed Pavitrs the photos inside.

There was the one you guys had on your face date as Pavitr had taken you to a picnic in which he cooked and baked himself while you both sat beside the river aswell.

Your finger shifted down, showing a polaroid of you and Pavitr walking at a park with your hands intertwined and the sun setting at the backround.

Your hand once again, shifted over to the other page on the side of the first one, this time it showed a picture from when you guys went to a haunted house. The picture was blurry too as your hands were shaky when you took the photo but you felt Pavitrs warmth as he stayed behind and held your hand tightly, just like he did now as you both sat down next to each other on your bed.

Your hand just decided to keep shifting and flipping through the pages of the album as you started to get sleepy while Pavitr admired the way you always took a photo of the most important memories.

When you eventually fell asleep with your hand ontop of Pavitrs shoulder and with your guys hand intertwined, Pavitr let you sleep while he continued to shifted and flip through the pages of the album where his heart had melted more and more as the photos just got more sweeter and nostalgic.

Your soft snores and the sound of pages flipping filled the room along with you and Pavitrs relaxed breath in which gave a very comforting feeling to Pavitr as he just placed his head ontop of yours while you continued to snore quuetly and sleep with your head still on Oavitrs shoulder.

Eventually as the time passed, the photo album came to an end with the very last photo at rhe exact back of the album.

Pavitr then felt his heart melt and completely meltdown as he saw the photo that gave him more than just nostalgia now.

The photo was when you and Pavitr first ever became friends.

Comfort and basically something more than nostalgia filled Pavitrs feelings as he felt hismelf sigh and yawn slightly while he closed the album yet kept it in his lap as he closed his eyes and then decided to think aboutthe polaroids for a second before completely dozing off along with you.

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Hey guys, i'm currently sick rn so i'm a little tired so i'm js gonna warn yall that it might take longer for me to upload new chaps, i hope you guys understand <3

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