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You were Gwens older sibling, the complete opposite of Gwen. Style and personality wise. Eventually, Gwen trusted you enough to let you sneak into Hobies universe to show you where she's been staying but, she didn't tell you she had a new friend.

Not proofread, poorly written, ooc Gwen and Hobie (?), Poorly written slang for Hobie (?)

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You and Gwen were currently in Hobies universe and apartment. Gwen thought it was finally time and thought that it would be cool to show you where she had been staying since she's been gone for a long time.

You were currently looking around Hobies apartment and noticing some of the sweaters and shirt you crocheted just for Gwen. It made you smile and it also made your heart melt knowing that she kept these things that you just made her.

And Gwen honestly thought Hobie was out on a mission and thought that he wasnt gonna arrive any time soon in which is why she was showing you this right now.

Hobie however, was just out walking and swinging around his universe out of boredom in which he was now swinging back over to his apartment from his fire escape but not before hearing you and Gwens voice talking and walking around his apartment.

"Wow, i'm glad this guy's taking care of my little sis well." He heard your voice say and watch as you ruffled with Gwens hair and laughed and smiled with her as your eyes suddenly shifted over to the window where the emergency escape was and noticed Hobie.

"Is that him?" You asked Gwen as you pointed over to Hobie who opened the window and then finally jumped into his apartment before looking at you and Gwen with a cheeky smirk. He then tossed his guitar gently over to his bed and sat down on his bed aswell before finally looking up to you and Gwen.

"Yeah, sometimes he's a real pain in the ass sometimes but, he's cool most of the time, trust." Gwen finally responded to your question as she sat down on one of the beanbags in Hobies apartment and then pulled out her phone.

"How are you able to live in here? It's so messy tho." You asked, not in a mean way but in a joking way as you were more of a cleaner person then Gwen when it came to where you guys lived and slept in.

"And how are you able to live with our dad?" Gwen asked back in a sarcastic way with a small laugh as you just rolled your eyes and laugh aswell before your eyes shifted to Hobie and inspected his piercings and the way his style reminded you of Gwens while you sat down on one of the beanbags close to Gwen.

"You checkin' me out or somethin' luv?" Hobie asks as he notices your stare at him and smirked once again while he leaned back slightly yet kept his gaze at you.

"What? No way!" You denied as you quickly became embarrassed about it and then rolled your eyes while you stopped looking at Hobie for a second to just look away from him. I mean, you were checking him out, but you were never gonna admit that of course.

"Whateve' floats ya boat miss, you can keep starin' tho." Hobie joked as he let out a small chuckle and then leaned back on his bed once again while looking at you with that same smirk.

"Ew, stop flirting with my sister." Gwen said as she pretended to gag and be disgusted before letting out a laugh aswell and before rolling her eyes.

"Gwendy, she's the one checkin' me out, maybe she should be the one that you're scoldin' here." Hobie almost immidiately replied back to Gwen as he shifted his gaze at her with a small chuckle escaping his lips aswell.

"No, you both have to stop flirting with each other." Gwen replies back to Hobie in the most sarcastic way aswell as she rolled her eyes once again and then looked at you and Hobie.

"I wasnt checking him out. . I was just. . Looking." You tried to defend yourself in a low and quiet tone while you hid your face away from Hobie in embarrassment after getting caught red-handed.

"Again, whateve' floats ya boat luv." Hobie says to you once again before he suddenly shifted in his bed so he was laying down and staring at the ceiling while you and Gwen sat next to eachother in the beanbags around Hobies room.

Tho, both you and Hobie couldnt stop thinking about eachother as your thoughts lingered about how cute he was and how his piercings made him look cool and awhile Hobies thoughts were all how cute and pretty you looked in that white skirt you wore with a matching croptop and cardigan aswell as he found your style endearing from the way it was the complete opposite of his and Gwens.

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