~ Chapter Twenty Five♡︎

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Haseena's breath pause as her feets rooted in ground steady way

Karishma staring at Haseena's back as with her's each steps Haseena's heartbeats grew fasten pace.

"Today i want to admit my love for you Haseena bcz i can't run away more from my feelings!!" Karishma wishper in her ear as she stood behind her.

" Haseena you once said we don't need many but just need one particular person for us for the whole lifetime, whose presence makes our life seem like heavenly , with whom even every pain converts into pleasant and their mere presence provides our heart solace..."

Haseena fist on her saree pallu tightly as karishma turn her around to face her

"I was lost in the crowds of people but peace was nowhere to be found in my life , i used to craving and yearning for love....then you came Haseena , a girl with her rejection story !" Karishma chuckle a bit thinking how fast the night changes...how magically her perspective about love changes.

"When we met for the first time , mine very first expression was very professional and sympathetic towards you but slowly with passing time i began to notice you and your every moves....the way you smile , when you smile and your dimple pops out just stole my heart , the way you talk , the way you laugh , the way you breath , the way you exist and the way you do the every small things flutter my heart Haseena !" Karishma's every word soomthly escapes and directly touches haseena's soul .

Karishma looks at her endearingly as she continued " The way you love kabir , sometimes i feel very envy with him. i desire to stay in the place of him...I fell in love with you knowing you could never be mine...Maybe this is the specialty of love, I fall in love with the right person at the wrong place, maybe that's why till now my heart never beat for anyone bcz my heart was waiting for you !" karishma pause for moment

"My heart chooses you Haseena , i love you as bcz my heart fell for the every part of YOU , the whole of YOU , the real YOU yes i Love you!"

"Don't chase a broken soul karishma!" Haseena utter with difficulty as karishma's words creates a heavoc inside her.

Raindrops pouring on them but duo doesn't bother about it as they sinking in the ocean like orbs.

A smile make its way to karishma's face as she come ahead stepping her back nervously "It doesn't matter Haseena...bcz somethings are meant to be broken only to be put together again and this time even stronger"

Haseena was about to open her mouth when karishma shake her head in negotation gesturing her to keep quite "Don't think i am gonna force myself on you or my love will come between our friendship....nothing will change between us our nok-jhok gonna remain same , your taunts and my sarcasm will reamin same !"

"No confession , no akwardness can keep us apart even you can't torn apart US" Haseena kept silent as her tears brimming and mixing with water.....

Karishma notice Haseena shivering badly so without any word she dragg her under the shade pull off her jacket as she come closer to her and wrapp it around Haseena's body...

"Haseena" Karishma wishper looking at her face.

Haseena in mind , "I never find my name so melodious karishma....everytime u voice out my name i feel million butterflies....no woman could effect me so much before the way you do effect me , my body react exactly opposite as if it has own brain....!"

Their eyes couldn't stop stare each other as karishma's raise her hand , held her back of head. Haseena immediately shut her eyes as heats start rediating throughout her body. Her lips part a little in anticipation when she felt karishma's lips lingering against her forhead.

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