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"I want you guys to look first," I pleaded in a whisper. I cannot believe this is happening. I haven't so much as looked at another guy since Bradley and now there could be one in my bed and I have no recollection of who or where they came from. "Okay show us" Aspen whispered back. I raise my phone over my right shoulder high enough that they should be able to see who has invaded my bed. My phone is so far above me that I can't see my screen anymore. My arm is shaking, I don't know if it's the strain, the nerves or the hangover that's making me feel like my arm's going to drop off.

Giggles. All I hear is giggles from them, which quickly turns into hysterical laughter. I pull my phone back to my face "shhh! I swear to god you guys this isn't funny!". "Oh mate but it is!" Elle cackles at me. "Just roll over!" Oh yeah, hilarious! "I can't!" I hiss at them while they're still laughing. "Just do it Nov, you'll be shocked to see who you brought home" Aspen jokes. I'm never living this down. I huff as I start to slowly and carefully roll myself over. As I shift myself I catch a glimpse of messy brown hair peeking out from under the sheet next to me. I cock my head to the side as I start to lean on my arm to give myself some height to see the face of whoever this is.


I let out the biggest breath as I realised I've been holding it the entire time, "You're such bitches you know that don't you?" I scoff as I look back at my phone screen to see the two of them in a fit of laughter. "Sorry babe I couldn't resist!" "Me neither!" They both carry on laughing as I flop myself back onto the bed. "Right well I'm up now so I'm going for a coffee if either of you demons want to join me? Grace as well if she's alive?" I directed to Elle who's sharing a room with Grace. "Yeah I doubt that, she's not moved since we got in, she's still in her dress." Elle says in between the giggles she still has. "Fair enough, I'll meet you in the lobby, does half an hour sound good to you?" "Yeah cool!" "See ya there!" They both say over each other as they wave and the call ends.

I shake Ruby's shoulder lightly trying to wake her but not too hard as I guess she's feeling a lot more delicate than I am if she didn't even make it to her and Aspen's room last night. All I get is a grunt as she pulls the sheet over her head and lets out a "nuhuh". I guess no coffee for you. I stretch my legs out of the bed and notice my dress and shoes in a pile on the chair next to the curtains, at least I got out of my dress I chuckle to myself.

I flick the bathroom light on and slide the doors open, the light reflecting off all of the white, burning my eyes. I grab my makeup bag from the counter and unzip it to search for the paracetamol that always lives in there. As I turn the tap on the noise rings in my ears, I bend down to catch a mouthful from the stream of very loud water. As I pull myself back up and throw 2 paracetamol into my mouth, wiping my cheek where water has run down while filling my mouth up, I start to go dizzy. Am I still drunk? Probably.

30 minutes later I'm stood in the elevator heading to the lobby. I've thrown on my best attempt at a casual but fitting for walking through the streets of Monte Carlo outfit on. It's a place I've always dreamed of visiting, I never had the chance before with my work schedule always being so unknown and Bradley was never interested but hated the idea of me going anywhere without him. The elevator dings and I step out and start to look around the lobby for Elle and Aspen.

"Hey babe!" Aspen waves me over as she walks around the side of one of the pillars in the lobby. "Let's get some caffeine, god knows I need it." I groan as I slide my sunglasses from my head to my face. We walked for about 10 minutes joking with each other about last night, "and when you tripped over the step!" Elle laughed as she remembered me nearly flying face first in the bar.

Somehow I lost my footing going up a small step as we were walking from the bar to a table near the window and ended up on my knees as I was caught by someone before the rest of my body hit the floor. I feel so many pairs of eyes on me as I feel a tight grip on my upper arm pulling me up from the floor. I look up as I'm being lifted back onto my feet, drink still in my hand, "oh erm, thank you. Uh I'm so sorry" I manage to get out as I die of pure embarrassment internally. "No problem. Are you okay?" I'm asked as I look at the ground where I was just a moment ago. "Urm yes, I'm fine. Thanks, I'm sorry, thank you" I can't get any other words out as Ruby grabs my drink for me and helps me walk to the table. I sit down and hide my face with my hands as we all burst out laughing together.

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