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I just want to apologise for such a break in posting a new chapter. It's been a crazy time recently, I've started a new job and it's been a lot, as well as some changes at home and I wanted to spend the holidays with my family. But I promise I'll be dropping updates more regularly again from now.

Thank you to everyone who's read this so far and I hope you're enjoying the story so far.
Happy New Year to you all ✨️


I don't think I'll ever get used to the private jets, I always feel like I should be shuffled onto a crowded plane with a safety demonstration and an overpriced glass of mediocre wine, but here I am. I snap a quick photo out of the window for my Instagram story and post it with the caption 'good luck charm flying in 🍀'. As my story is posting I notice Charles has already posted a story of his own, I click on his icon and see a photo of me with my phone pressed against the window, my hair slightly covering my face and it's captioned 'see you soon Italy 🇮🇹'. As much as I've enjoyed the hinting around our relationship on our socials I really wish we could just tell everyone we're official, there's been a few rumours circulating online about who Charles is in a relationship with and I know I shouldn't, but I can't help look at what people are saying. Some of the comments are so supportive if my name crops up but there's always the ones that cut deep and are constantly reminding me that maybe I'm not good enough for him. I look up from my phone that's now locked itself I've been blankly staring for so long to see Charles sat staring at me. He's comfortably sunk into the seat opposite me, one of his feet rested on his knee, spreading his legs, "Welcome back, thought I'd lost you for a moment there." "Sorry I was just thinking" I smile at him, pushing my thoughts away, "We're taking off in a minute, here." He stands and leans over and fastens my seatbelt around me, as he does my muscles tighten and the hairs on my arms stand up, his scent fills my nose and I have to close my eyes to compose myself. I open them as he's moving away and his smirk indicates he knows the effect he has on me.

My eyes roll as he lifts open the car door for me, "I can open a door you know?" Charles says nothing as he reaches his hand out for me to hold to step out of the car. As we're approaching the paddock gates there are photographers everywhere, all shouting Charles' name, he gives them all a wave but remains right by my side as I'm walking a little slower than normal. I can already feel the anxiety and excitement for the weekend ahead, my first ever race and I still can't believe I'm here. After being shown into Charles' driver roomI sit myself down on one of the chairs and let out a huge breath, "You doing okay?" Charles asks "Yeah, just nervous." He smiles, "You don't need to be, I'm so happy you're here." He kisses my forehead, I look up at him and smile, I stare into those emerald green eyes and the world goes silent. We're interrupted by a knock on the door, "Come in!" Charles jolts and stands up straight, "Hey!" a familiar voice appears through the opening door, "Hey man!" Charles reaches out to fist bump Carlos. "Hey Nova, how are you doing? I heard about the accident, are you okay?" Carlos asks me as I stand up to give him a hug, "I'm doing good thank you, I'm here that's all that matters, I didn't want to miss this race!" "I'm so glad you could make it, he hasn't shut up about you the whole time!" Carlos teases Charles and gives him a soft punch on the top of his arm which makes us all laugh. "I am going to have to steal him for a bit, we have press to do" Charles rolls his eyes, I almost forgot that I won't be seeing him as much as I'm used to this weekend. "Of course, you guys go. I'll go find somewhere I can have a coffee, I've missed Italian coffee!" We all make our way out of the room and towards the main paddock, I wave them goodbye and Charles gives me a small kiss on my cheek.

I manage to get myself a gorgeous cup of hot, fresh coffee and sit myself in the warming sun, god I have missed this coffee. I watch all the people walking around, some rushing from place to place, press carrying their huge cameras and even some well known celebrities. Finish the last of my coffee and hear my phone ping, I pull out my phone and unlock it to see the group chat.

Intertwined | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now