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I come back out in the skimpy bikini feeling a little conscious to be this exposed in front of Charles. "Wow, just wow." He says as he drops his sunglasses down to look at me, his eyes taking in every inch of me. He waves me over and we lay on the loungers side by side. "It's beautiful out here." I say as I look around and notice there's no one nearby, the shore much smaller this far out. "It's nice to be so far away from people out here sometimes." He adjusts his position so that he's laid on his side facing me, propping his head up on his arm and I do the same to mirror him. "I could look at you all day." I feel myself blushing "Charles?" "Yes?" "When are you going to tell me what you do? I need an explanation to the two different Ferraris and now a yacht?" "I want to tell you but I don't want you to treat me differently. Most people find out what I do and try to use me." I can see the anxiety on his face. "I'm not most people. Pinkie promise." I reach out my hand with my pinkie outstretched. He gives me a little laugh and reaches to interlock his pinkie finger with mine.

"I'm a Formula 1 driver. I race for Ferrari, I guess that explains the Ferraris. And the yacht is something I bought so I can escape out away from everyone else." He says as he lets out a breath of relief. "I guess that does explain it, now I understand the travelling and the stressful job." I chuckle to him. Formula 1, that's not what I was expecting. I've never seen a Formula 1 race and here I am sitting with one of its drivers! "This doesn't change anything does it?" Charles looks at me with concern across his face. "No, why would it?" "Like I said, once people find out they..." He looks so disheartened as he can't finish the sentence, who would treat him so badly he feels this way? "Charles, your job doesn't define you. I just want to get to know you, the real you."

You can see the relief in his face, he sits up and swings his legs around so he's fully facing me. I sit up too and sit in front of him, he lowers his head and sighs. Did I say something wrong? I extend my hand and use my finger to tilt his chin, raising his head to get him to look at me. "I'm sorry, did I upset you?" I ask him. The whole time we've spent together I've not seen him like this, he's always smiling, joking and happy but this is a side to him I've not seen. "No you didn't, I just forgot what I feels like to be wanted for me. It's refreshing but brings out feelings I hate." I understand him completely, I know I do the same and it hurts to have those feelings brought to the surface. He looks me in the eyes, I feel I'm seeing through his green eyes this time instead of him staring into mine and looking into me. We sit there just staring at each other, before he breaks the silence, "Shall we swim?".

Charles grabs my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine, I look down, the first time he's holding my hand and he's going to drag me into the sea yet it feels just right. My hand fits into his perfectly and his grip makes me feel safe. "Ready?" He turns to me, I nod. He starts to run a couple of steps and I do the same, we jump and I let out a little scream as we leave the boat and we crash into the sea. The water isn't cold, it's the perfect temperature to break the heat we've been sitting in, our hands break apart for a moment as we both use our arms to push us back up to the surface. As we both reach it I let out a gasp for air, I look at Charles and he combs his hair back out of his face and turns to look at me. At this moment, I am carefree, I am happy, there is nothing that could change that.

He swims towards me filling the space between us, he grabs me by the waist and pulls me into him wrapping his arms around me. The butterflies are in my stomach, my whole body tingles from his touch against my bare skin. One hand stays wrapped around my waist as the other moves up my back and stops at the back of my neck. I feel his grip tighten just ever so slightly, I look up at him and lock my eyes to his, I feel my goosebumps raise and I know he felt it under his hands too. He pulls my head to his, my mouth drops open slightly as I let out a short breath, this is it.

His lips finally meet mine, the passion coming through him and into me, he's kissing me with a force that I don't want to pull away from. I kiss him back, moving my hands, one to his upper arm and the other onto the back of his head and into his messy, wet hair. As my mouth opens more his tongue explores my mouth in search of mine. He tastes so good.

Intertwined | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now